Celebrating the launch of EU Organic Day – 23 September
On 23 September, the European Parliament, Commission and Council of the European Union celebrated the launch of the new annual EU Organic Day. During the morning ceremony, the three EU institutions signed a joint declaration establishing 23 September as EU Organic Day in the presence of our President Jan Plagge, representatives from Copa Cogeca, Eurocommerce, CEJA, EuroCommerce and FoodDrinkEurope and the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions.
In the coming years, 23 September will be the ideal opportunity to evaluate Europe’s progress towards achieving its goal of 25% organic land by 2030, trends in consumer demand, awareness of organic in the supply chain and the implementation of the EU Organic Action Plan.

Agriculture Commissioner stresses targets EU Farm to Fork & Biodiversity strategies
At a press conference following the signature ceremony, Janusz Wojciechowski, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, conveyed his happiness about establishing this day and emphasized the collective effort necessary to reach the objectives of the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies. He said that EU Organic Day, instated on 23 September and the autumn equinox, reminds us of the balance between night and day, and the balance needed when working with nature. He further declared that there is no risk for food security due to the implementation of the EU Farm to Fork and EU Biodiversity strategies. Both strategies aim at increasing food production’s standards but will not result in a decrease of food availability. Finally, Commissioner Wojciechowski highlighted the importance of the Organic EU Action Plan’s 23 actions in reaching 25% organic land by 2030 and Member States’ national ambitions to develop organic farming. Read the Commission’s press release and watch the press conference.

As EU organic movement, we celebrate…
As IFOAM Organics Europe, we are happy the Commission followed up on its promise made in the EU Organic Action Plan to create a day to raise awareness of organic and its benefits. Together with our members, like-minded and sector organisations, we celebrated EU Organic Day across Europe – mostly online given the circumstances – highlighting the contribution of organic farming to regenerate European agriculture and to reconcile farming and nature.
We are looking forward to collaborating with relevant institutions and interested stakeholders and all Member States and regions to make this annual EU Organic Day a success!
… and are thankful! We would like to thank our members, office staff, organic stakeholders for their work towards making Europe more organic and wish you a healthy, ecological, fair and caring EU Organic Day! Next year, we will make sure to celebrate in style with coordinated actions across Europe and we will also celebrate our 20th anniversary!
Want to relive this special day for organic? Watch our Director’s video statement, browse #EUOrganicDay and #OrganicEU on Twitter and have a look at our Twitter moments.
Happy #EUorganicday! Ab heute und für immer feiern wir am 23. September den #Ökolandbau und alle Menschen, die ihn voranbringen. 🥳🌾
Iniitiert von @EU_EESC soll er auf die Bedeutung des Ökolandbau aufmerksam machen. Gute Sache!@IFOAMorganic @OrganicsEurope #landwirtschaft pic.twitter.com/ljT3btqMSJ
— Naturland e.V. (@Naturland_eV) September 23, 2021
"Gracias al convencimiento y arduo trabajo de las personas que se dedican a la producción ecológica, a pesar de las dificultades y escasez de apoyos públicos, AVANZAMOS A DIARIO HACIA UN FUTURO #ECOLÓGICO y saludable para todas nosotras y para el ambiente"https://t.co/Aw8TNgkF25
— SEAE (@SEAE_Agroecolog) September 23, 2021
Vandaag heeft Europa een gezamenlijke verklaring ondertekend waarin 23 september officieel wordt uitgeroepen tot #EUOrganicDay! 🤩Als Vlaamse biosector zijn we, net als onze Europese koepelorganisatie @OrganicsEurope, erg blij met dit nieuws. Lees: https://t.co/7isSTd7hru pic.twitter.com/nWNi3x0QIq
— BioForum vzw (@BioForumVL) September 23, 2021
#EUOrganicDay, 23 settembre 2021
Oggi siamo entusiasti di poter celebrare il primo #OrganicEU day!🍀 Come 🍏#FederBio, vi auguriamo un #EUOrganicDay sano, ecologico, equo e solidale! 💚🌍 #OrganicsEurope #OrganicSeptember
👉https://t.co/5nbREd75tw pic.twitter.com/AijJuLLa75— FederBio🍏 (@FederBio) September 23, 2021
We wish our project partner @OrganicsEurope and the whole #OrganicMovement a healthy, ecological, fair & caring #EUOrganicDay! Together, we are working towards #MakingEuropeMoreOrganic! #OrganicEU @EUAgri pic.twitter.com/nzMmtDyKzI
— RELACSeu (@RELACSeu) September 23, 2021