Introducing the Pesticide Use and Risk Indicator (PURI): A new approach to measuring pesticide risks

The current Harmonized Risk Indicator 1 (HRI 1) has significant weaknesses that lead to misleading trends in pesticide use reduction. To address this, a new Pesticide Use and Risk Indicator (PURI) has been developed.

PURI converts sales data into “treatable area” and calculates substance-specific risk factors based on ecotoxicological and human toxicological data. This advanced indicator provides a more accurate representation of pesticide use intensity and risk, aligning with EU pesticide reduction targets set out in the Green Deal, the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive, the Farm to Fork Strategy, and the Biodiversity Strategy.

The modular structure of PURI allows for separate analysis of different risk components and future adaptations to technological advances and improved data quality.

For a detailed analysis and comprehensive insights, read our extensive paper on this topic. [EN] [DE]

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