News Archive - IFOAM Organics Europe IFOAM Organics Europe Wed, 11 Dec 2024 15:44:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 50% pesticide reduction – Mission accomplished or time for a reliable indicator? Wed, 11 Dec 2024 15:44:13 +0000 30 September 2024, online In a well-attended webinar GLOBAL2000 and IFOAM Organics Europe presented an alternative to the much-contested pesticides measurement tool, the Harmonized Risk Indicator 1 (HRI-1).  Martin Dermine from Pesticides Action Network Europe and Maria Zintl from IFOAM Organics Europe, explained the HRI-1 indicator’s shortcomings measuring pesticide use and risk, and how it is particularly inadequate when applied to natural substances used in organic farming.   Dr. Helmut Burtscher-Schaden, biochemist at GLOBAL 2000, presented an alternative tool, the PURI, an indicator that considers the treatable crop area and negative effects on human health and our environment for each individual active substance (the components of pesticides).  The new model thus corrects two major simplifications in the HRI-1 indicator which only looks at total pesticide mass used, regardless of the surface area of crop treated, and also groups active substances very roughly into four groups which do not reflect in detail on health and environment effects.  Is the new indicator, PURI, a more realistic way of looking at pesticide use and risk in Europe? Watch the webinar recordings and read the […]

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30 September 2024, online

In a well-attended webinar GLOBAL2000 and IFOAM Organics Europe presented an alternative to the much-contested pesticides measurement tool, the Harmonized Risk Indicator 1 (HRI-1). 

Martin Dermine from Pesticides Action Network Europe and Maria Zintl from IFOAM Organics Europe, explained the HRI-1 indicator’s shortcomings measuring pesticide use and risk, and how it is particularly inadequate when applied to natural substances used in organic farming.  

Dr. Helmut Burtscher-Schaden, biochemist at GLOBAL 2000, presented an alternative tool, the PURI, an indicator that considers the treatable crop area and negative effects on human health and our environment for each individual active substance (the components of pesticides). 

The new model thus corrects two major simplifications in the HRI-1 indicator which only looks at total pesticide mass used, regardless of the surface area of crop treated, and also groups active substances very roughly into four groups which do not reflect in detail on health and environment effects. 

Is the new indicator, PURI, a more realistic way of looking at pesticide use and risk in Europe? Watch the webinar recordings and read the press release IFOAM Organics Europe and European Citizens’ Initiative condemn “fake pesticide reduction to find out. 

For more information on plant health care and IFOAM Organics Europe’s work on this issue, please visit our website or contact Do note that we prioritise our members’ requests. 

IFOAM Organics Europe members can find more information on the task force in its terms of reference and background materials on the topic in the arguments database on the member extranet (main messages, arguments/FAQs, visuals & videos). Contact for access rights (issues). For information about what you can gain from being a member, read our membership page and contact



50 % Pesticide Reduction – Mission Accomplished or Time for a Reliable Indicator?

The work of IFOAM Organics Europe on this topic is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, under the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This page only reflects the views of the authors and its sole responsibility lies with IFOAM Organics Europe. The CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.

The post 50% pesticide reduction – Mission accomplished or time for a reliable indicator? appeared first on IFOAM Organics Europe.

Sponsor our sector project: Assessing the EU Organic Regulation’s fairness Fri, 29 Nov 2024 15:15:46 +0000 We are assessing whether the current EU Organic Regulation is fair towards operators and if it adequately supports the sector in achieving the EU’s 25% organic target. Does this sound interesting? Consider contributing to the second fundraising campaign for our new sector project, successfully started in 2024 thanks to the commitment of our eight ‘Seed Sponsors’. We are seeking additional funding to ensure maximum impact.       In collaboration with FiBL, we are conducting quantitatively and qualitatively analyses of the costs organic operators face under the current regulatory framework.  We will use the data to evaluate whether the regulation is truly supporting the sector and to make a case for increased budget allocation for organic agriculture in the upcoming CAP and MFF negotiations.     What’s in for you if you sponsor this project? You will be involved in the strategic direction of the project and can feature your story as a case study in our research. Your support will directly make it possible for us to advocate the EU for a fairer and more supportive regulatory framework for organic farming.  […]

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We are assessing whether the current EU Organic Regulation is fair towards operators and if it adequately supports the sector in achieving the EU’s 25% organic target. Does this sound interesting? Consider contributing to the second fundraising campaign for our new sector project, successfully started in 2024 thanks to the commitment of our eight ‘Seed Sponsors’. We are seeking additional funding to ensure maximum impact.   


In collaboration with FiBL, we are conducting quantitatively and qualitatively analyses of the costs organic operators face under the current regulatory framework.  We will use the data to evaluate whether the regulation is truly supporting the sector and to make a case for increased budget allocation for organic agriculture in the upcoming CAP and MFF negotiations. 


What’s in for you if you sponsor this project? You will be involved in the strategic direction of the project and can feature your story as a case study in our research. Your support will directly make it possible for us to advocate the EU for a fairer and more supportive regulatory framework for organic farming. 

As IFOAM Organics Europe, we have been working on various aspects on this issue for years in our ‘Developing Organic’ projects. Thanks to the incredible support of pioneering organic companies, our “seed sponsors”, this new project became a reality. Their commitment to the cause is a win for the entire organic sector. 

If you are interested in supporting this project and would like to learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact

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PRESS RELEASE: The organic movement looks forward to fruitful cooperation with newly elected European Commission Wed, 27 Nov 2024 15:45:12 +0000 BRUSSELS, 27 NOVEMBER 2024 – Today, the European Parliament voted and approved the new college of Commissioners by 370 votes in favour vs 282 against.  “The organic food and farming movement congratulates the new European Commission for its election and stands ready to work with Commissioner Hansen and all the Commissioners involved in designing a Vision for the future of agriculture and food” – says IFOAM Organics Europe’s President Jan Plagge.  “IFOAM Organics Europe will defend a transformative agenda that will support farmers, protect nature and boost European competitiveness, as outlined in the recommendations of the Strategic Dialogue.”  Organic agriculture is an essential policy tool to achieve a transition of our food system towards sustainability, and the proof that the preservation of our soils, water and biodiversity can go hand in hand with the economic prosperity of our food sector and the vitality of our rural areas.  Ends.  Eva Berckmans, Communications Manager +32 2 416 27 62, or visit  European Union official documents  European organic movement’s official position  Other  IFOAM Organics Europe is the European umbrella organisation for organic food […]

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BRUSSELS, 27 NOVEMBER 2024 – Today, the European Parliament voted and approved the new college of Commissioners by 370 votes in favour vs 282 against. 

“The organic food and farming movement congratulates the new European Commission for its election and stands ready to work with Commissioner Hansen and all the Commissioners involved in designing a Vision for the future of agriculture and food” – says IFOAM Organics Europe’s President Jan Plagge. 

“IFOAM Organics Europe will defend a transformative agenda that will support farmers, protect nature and boost European competitiveness, as outlined in the recommendations of the Strategic Dialogue.” 

Organic agriculture is an essential policy tool to achieve a transition of our food system towards sustainability, and the proof that the preservation of our soils, water and biodiversity can go hand in hand with the economic prosperity of our food sector and the vitality of our rural areas. 



Eva Berckmans,
Communications Manager +32 2 416 27 62, 
or visit 

Useful documents

European Union official documents 

European organic movement’s official position 


IFOAM Organics Europe is the European umbrella organisation for organic food and farming. With almost 200 members in 34 European countries, our work spans the entire organic food chain and beyond: from farmers and processors organisations, retailers, certifiers, consultants, traders, and researchers to environmental and consumer advocacy bodies.

The work of IFOAM Organics Europe on this topic is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, under the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This page only reflects the views of the authors and its sole responsibility lies with IFOAM Organics Europe. The CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.

The post PRESS RELEASE: The organic movement looks forward to fruitful cooperation with newly elected European Commission appeared first on IFOAM Organics Europe.

New study confirms the leading role of organic farming in contributing to agriculture’s climate objectives Mon, 25 Nov 2024 16:32:26 +0000 BRUSSELS, 25 NOVEMBER – According to a new analysis of the expected contribution of CAP Strategic Plans to greenhouse gas emissions reduction and sequestration, conversion to organic farming, crop rotation or diversification, and expansion of cover crops are the three farming practices supported by CAP interventions that contribute the most to climate objectives.  According to the study commissioned by the European Commission’s Department on Agriculture (DG AGRI), these three practices contribute to 78% of an estimated mitigation potential of up to 31 million tonnes of CO2-equivalent per year, mainly in carbon sequestration (22 million tonnes) and reduction of emissions from soil (9 million tonnes).  Furthermore, national support through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the maintenance of organic farming is estimated to protect more than half (54%) existing carbon sinks, estimated at 29 million tonnes of CO2-equivalent yearly across the 18 Member States analysed in the study.  According to Eric Gall, Deputy Director at IFOAM Organics Europe: “This study shows that besides protecting farmers health, water resources and biodiversity by cutting synthetic pesticides use, the development of organic farming is […]

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BRUSSELS, 25 NOVEMBER – According to a new analysis of the expected contribution of CAP Strategic Plans to greenhouse gas emissions reduction and sequestration, conversion to organic farming, crop rotation or diversification, and expansion of cover crops are the three farming practices supported by CAP interventions that contribute the most to climate objectives. 

According to the study commissioned by the European Commission’s Department on Agriculture (DG AGRI), these three practices contribute to 78% of an estimated mitigation potential of up to 31 million tonnes of CO2-equivalent per year, mainly in carbon sequestration (22 million tonnes) and reduction of emissions from soil (9 million tonnes). 

Furthermore, national support through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the maintenance of organic farming is estimated to protect more than half (54%) existing carbon sinks, estimated at 29 million tonnes of CO2-equivalent yearly across the 18 Member States analysed in the study. 

According to Eric Gall, Deputy Director at IFOAM Organics Europe: “This study shows that besides protecting farmers health, water resources and biodiversity by cutting synthetic pesticides use, the development of organic farming is also essential to reduce emissions from agriculture and increase soil carbon sequestration”. 

He elaborated: “These results show that using CAP money to support conversion and maintenance of organic farming is a good investment for Member States and for nature. Given the numerous benefits it delivers, organic farming should be given a more prominent role in the next CAP and in the future vision for agriculture and food.” 

“The Commission should also revise its expected draft proposal on the Carbon Farming methodology so that it also reward farmers for the maintenance of existing carbon sinks.”


Contact details

Eric Gall, Deputy Director 
+32 491072537, 
or visit 

Background information

The European Commission’s Directorate General for Agriculture and rural development study published on 22 November: 

IFOAM Organics Europe is the European umbrella organisation for organic food and farming. With almost 200 members in 34 European countries, our work spans the entire organic food chain and beyond: from farmers and processors organisations, retailers, certifiers, consultants, traders, and researchers to environmental and consumer advocacy bodies. 

The work of IFOAM Organics Europe on this topic is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, under the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This page only reflects the views of the authors and its sole responsibility lies with IFOAM Organics Europe. The CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.

The post New study confirms the leading role of organic farming in contributing to agriculture’s climate objectives appeared first on IFOAM Organics Europe.

Events calendar 2025 Fri, 22 Nov 2024 14:22:00 +0000 Members of IFOAM Organics Europe will find numerous opportunities to participate, exchange knowledge, and connect at the organic events scheduled for this year. We have highlighted the most significant ones, allowing you to organize your annual calendar effectively. 🌱 Events featuring this symbol are organized by IFOAM Organics Europe. The first-ever Expert Group for Organic Youth meeting is scheduled to take place on 20 January 2025. Expert groups are tasked with developing positions, emphasizing significant developments, and providing guidance to the Board and Council of IFOAM Organics Europe. Please note that this is a closed event exclusively for group members. Members can find more information on our extranet page. Meetings like these are part of our member-exclusive service. If you want to learn more, please visit our membership page or contact We are pleased to announce that the Let’s Discuss Organic webinar series will return in 2025, building upon the successes of our previous editions. Be part of our first members-only webinar of the year, titled “EU promotion policy budget and “Nudging Organic”. Hosted by Silvia Schmidt, Policy Manager of IFOAM Organics […]

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Members of IFOAM Organics Europe will find numerous opportunities to participate, exchange knowledge, and connect at the organic events scheduled for this year. We have highlighted the most significant ones, allowing you to organize your annual calendar effectively. 🌱 Events featuring this symbol are organized by IFOAM Organics Europe.


Expert Group, Organic Youth – 20 January 2025 🌱

The first-ever Expert Group for Organic Youth meeting is scheduled to take place on 20 January 2025. Expert groups are tasked with developing positions, emphasizing significant developments, and providing guidance to the Board and Council of IFOAM Organics Europe. Please note that this is a closed event exclusively for group members. Members can find more information on our extranet page.

Meetings like these are part of our member-exclusive service. If you want to learn more, please visit our membership page or contact

Let’s Discuss Organic (member-only webinar) – 21 January 2025 🌱

We are pleased to announce that the Let’s Discuss Organic webinar series will return in 2025, building upon the successes of our previous editions. Be part of our first members-only webinar of the year, titled “EU promotion policy budget and “Nudging Organic”.

Hosted by Silvia Schmidt, Policy Manager of IFOAM Organics Europe, this session will explore the EU promotion policy budget. We’ll explain what it is, how to apply for it, and highlight the changes compared to last year. Additionally, we will hear from a successful project that received funding from this budget, specifically “Nudging Organic” to drive sustainable consumption.

As a member, you can register using the registration link on our member extranet.

Expert Group, European Organic Comms Hub – 23 January 2025🌱

The next call for the Comms Hub is set to take place on 23 January. The European Organic Comms Hub is IFOAM Organics Europe’s communications expert group. It consists of members with a media presence in and/or communication activities towards the public, (specialised) media and/or policymakers. Please note that this is a closed event exclusively for group members. Members can find more information on our extranet page.

Meetings like these are part of our member-exclusive service. If you want to learn more, please visit our membership page or contact


BIOFACH 2025, Nuremberg – 11-14 February 2025

The world’s foremost trade fair for organic food, BIOFACH is returning from 11-14 February with its customary edition in 2025. At BIOFACH, you’ll experience a vibrant market full of opportunities, along with a trade fair brimming with ideas, inspiration, and enjoyment. IFOAM Organics Europe will be actively involved in BIOFACH, participating as both an exhibitor and a contributor to the congress program. We invite you to visit our booth located in Hall 1, stand 351!

Let’s Discuss Organic (member-only webinar) – 17 February 2025 🌱

Join our members-only webinar in February: “Food Security and the Narrative of Pesticides” on 17 February.

In this Let’s Discuss Organic session, we will explore topics related to food security and the narrative surrounding pesticides with Deputy Director Eric Gall and guest speaker Andy Battentier. Additional information will be provided as the date approaches. As a member, you can register using the registration link on our member extranet.


Council Meeting – 18 March 2025 🌱

The Council meetings are conducted 2 to 3 times each year. We are excited to announce that the next meeting will be held virtually on 18 March 2025. We kindly encourage Council members to participate in the meeting. Council members will receive a direct email with further information on the meeting.

IFOAM Organics Europe’s second chamber, the Council, is one of the driving forces behind our organization’s democratic functioning. It creates a vital link between each country’s members and IFOAM Organics Europe. Learn more about our democratic governance structure.


Let’s Discuss Organic (member-only webinar) – 17 April 2025 🌱

Join our members-only webinar in April: “ Political Developments of the NGT Proposal”

The legislative process surrounding the Commission’s proposal on New Genetic Technologies (NGTs) has been marked by an exceptional level of urgency, pressure, and politicization since its release in July 2023. Since then, the European Parliament has agreed on its position in the first quarter of 2024, while discussions among Member States in the Council of the EU are still in full swing. Many stakeholders are hopeful that the Polish Presidency of the Council will broker an agreement, paving the way for Trilogues to finally commence. During this member-only webinar, we will delve into the intricacies of the NGT legislative process and update you on the latest developments with ample space for your questions!

Helene Schmutzler, our Senior Policy Officer on GMOs and Animal Welfare at IFOAM Organics Europe will lead this session. As a member, you can register using the registration link on our member extranet.


Natural & Organic Products Expo, London – 12-13 May 2025

The Natural & Organic Products Expo will be held on May 12-13, 2025, in London. Since 1997, NOPEX has been the essential event for everything related to natural and organic products, including food and drink, lifestyle, health, nutrition, beauty, and more. Click here for more information.

Let’s Discuss Organic (member-only webinar) – 15 May 2025 🌱

Join our May members-only webinar: “Sustainable Public Procurement: opportunities for the organic sector in Europe” on 15 May.

In this Let’s Discuss Organic session, we will explore the opportunities that public procurement offers to the organic sector. We will begin by examining the current landscape of public procurement in the EU, focusing on the regulations that govern it. We will also look at some best practices carried out by our members when it comes to organic food procurement. Finally, we will take a look ahead to see the legislative opportunities arising which could present opportunities to ensure a stronger participation of the organic sector in the public procurement market.

Laura Sauques, our Policy Officer on Sustainable Food Systems and the CAP at IFOAM Organics Europe will lead this session. As a member, you can register using the registration link on our member extranet.

High-Level Retailers’ Group, Meeting, Valencia – 19-20 May 2025

The meeting will involve discussions among high-level retailers regarding the state of the European organic market and a visit to Herbolarrio. Please note that this is a closed event exclusively for group members. Members can find more information on our extranet page.

Meetings like these are part of our member-exclusive service. If you want to learn more, please visit our membership page or contact

Interest Group of Organic Farmers, Annual Meeting, Portugal, 27-28 May 2025 🌱

The annual meeting of the Interest Group of Organic Farmers (IGOF) is set to take place in Portugal this year from 27-28 May 2025. Day 1 will feature a plenary session of IGOF, focusing on political topics such as the CAP and animal welfare. Day 2 will consist of farm visits. Please note this is a closed event for members of IGOF. Members can find more information on our extranet page.

Meetings like these are part of our member-exclusive service. If you want to learn more, please visit our membership page or contact


Let’s Discuss Organic (member-only webinar) – 5 June 2025 🌱

Join our June members-only webinar: “The future of the Common Agricultural Policy beyond 2027”

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which accounts for approximately one-third of the EU budget, plays a central role in shaping the EU’s agri-food system. It provides decent incomes for farmers while also driving the transition to more sustainable production methods, such as organic farming. Although the current CAP will remain in place until 2027, public institutions and various stakeholders already look forward to the next reform for the CAP 2027 – 2032. This session will explore the ongoing discussions in Brussels surrounding the upcoming CAP and present the organic movement’s vision for this reform to come.

Laura Sauques, our Policy Officer on Sustainable Food Systems and the CAP at IFOAM Organics Europe will lead this session. As a member, you can register using the registration link on our member extranet.

General Assembly – 25 June 2025🌱

We invite our members to save the date for IFOAM Organics Europe’s General Assembly (GA) on 25 June 2025. The meeting is anticipated to take place online (time to be determined).

The General Assembly is the primary annual decision-making event of IFOAM Organics Europe with important organisational development and sector updates. We encourage all our members to participate in the GA and those possessing voting rights exercise their democratic right to shape the future direction of our organisation.

More information will follow in a timely manner.

Sustainable Foods Summit, Amsterdam – 26-27 June 2025

The 16th European edition of the Sustainable Foods Summit will be hosted in Amsterdam on 26-27th June 2025. For more information, click here.



European Organic Congress, Copenhagen – 18-19 August 2025

IFOAM Organics Europe & Organic Summit are pleased to invite you to participate in the 19th edition of the European Organic Congress (EOC) which will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark on 18-19 August 2025.

For two days, politicians, researchers, farmers, and representatives from various organizations and companies will come together to discuss and clarify the significance and role of organic agriculture in the sustainable transformation of the global food supply. You are invited to engage in discussions on the most pressing topics in organic farming, share knowledge about current challenges in the sector, and be inspired by best practices and success stories from different areas of organic agriculture.

We will provide updates on our website as the date approaches.


European Organic Day – 23 September 2025

EU Organic Day on 23 September is an opportunity to celebrate the successes of the organic sector and reflect on Europe’s progress toward achieving its goal of 25% organic land by 2030.

Launched in 2021 by the European Parliament, the Commission, and the Council of the European Union, this day serves several purposes. It provides an opportunity to assess trends in consumer demand, raise awareness of organic products within the supply chain, and establish new targets for the future of organic agriculture in Europe.

As a European organic movement, we recognize this day to raise awareness about organic practices and their benefits. For the past three years, many of our members have joined us in celebrating organic principles online and have also organized their own events. These celebrations embody the values of Health, Ecology, Fairness, and Care that are central to the movement.

European Organic Awards – 23 September 2025

The European Organic Awards are held annually and are organized in the spirit of European cooperation by the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Committee of the Regions, IFOAM Organics Europe, and COPA-COGECA. These awards aim to recognize and honor individuals and organizations in Europe that significantly contribute to enhancing, developing, and innovating the organic value chain.

Watch the full recording of the previous EU Organic Awards ceremony that took place in Brussels on 23 September 2024 here. Furthermore, you can find more information about the last edition’s winners on the designated page of the EU Commission’s website.

Additional details regarding the 2025 EU Organics Awards will be shared here as the date approaches.


BioExpo, Warsaw – 2-4 October 2025

BioExpo Warsaw is an international trade fair for organic food and non-food products, scheduled from October 2-4, 2025, in Warsaw, Poland. Click here for more information.


TPO Organic Innovation Days – November 2025 🌱

The Organic Innovation Days, TP Organics’ annual public event, and the only EU event on organic and agroecological research and innovation will return in November 2025. This edition of the Organic Innovation Days will not only feature the official launch of our new SRIA but also the final conference of the SchoolFood4Change project and the award ceremony organized by the new Horizon Europe project OrganicAdviceNetwork, which is led by IFOAM Organics Europe.

More information on the date and time will follow in a timely manner.

Nordic Organic Food Fair, Stockholm – 12-13 November 2025

The Nordic Organic Food Fair will be held in Stockholm, Sweden on November 12-13, 2025.

This industry event has been Scandinavia’s number-one destination for certified organic food, beverages, and ingredients for over 10 years. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet top suppliers from the market, including leading brands from the Nordic region, international companies, and innovative new start-ups. Discover the latest sustainable, vegan, healthy, free-from, and certified organic food and drink products all in one place!

Council Meeting – 18 November 2025 🌱

The second Council meeting of the year will be held virtually on 18 November 2025. We kindly encourage Council members to participate in the meeting. Council members will receive a direct email with further information on the meeting.

IFOAM Organics Europe’s second chamber, the Council, is one of the driving forces behind our organization’s democratic functioning. It creates a vital link between each country’s members and IFOAM Organics Europe. Learn more about our democratic governance structure.

Organic Food Forum – 27 November 2025🌱

We invite you to join the second edition of the Organic Food Forum on 27 November, which offers a unique platform for businesses involved in or exploring the organic sector to connect, collaborate, and discover new opportunities.

The merged event combines the strengths of two well-established gatherings: the Organic Food Conference and IFOAM Organics Europe Meets Business. This forum provides a valuable platform for exchanging ideas and fostering collaboration among businesses that are fully or partially organic. Discussions at the event will center on key topics and trends currently shaping the organic industry.

We are excited to announce that this edition of the OFF will be a full-day physical conference. It will feature in-person discussions, workshops, and interactive sessions, all hosted at our IFOAM Organics Europe office. Additional information will be provided as the date approaches.

Natexpo, Paris – 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2025

In November and December, organic trade professionals will gather at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles for Natexpo, France’s trade show focused on organic, healthy food, and ecological products. This event will highlight the latest trends in the organic market and showcase new products from various buyers across all categories. For more information, click here.


Natexpo, Paris – 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2025

In November and December, organic trade professionals will gather at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles for Natexpo, France’s trade show focused on organic, healthy food, and ecological products. This event will highlight the latest trends in the organic market and showcase new products from various buyers across all categories. For more information, click here.

The post Events calendar 2025 appeared first on IFOAM Organics Europe.

We are joining the global organic community at the Organic World Congress, you too? Fri, 08 Nov 2024 17:00:40 +0000 30 November-6 December, Taiwan In a few weeks we will join the global organic movement at the IFOAM Organic World Congress (OWC) – a once-in-three-years opportunity to connect, share groundbreaking innovations, and shape the future of organic farming globally. As IFOAM Organics Europe, we are contributing to this year’s edition of the OWC, both with sessions focussing on EU organic and atthe IFOAM – Organics International General Assembly. Global organic movement’s General Assembly On 5-6 December, the global organic movement holds its General Assembly, an important moment in our organisations where the members democratically express their voice. Can’t attend the IFOAM Organics International General Assembly in person? Assign a proxy to vote on your behalf! As we are sending a delegation, we are happy to act as your proxy to ensure your voice is heard (or your vote is cast). Whether you attend in person or assign a proxy, your input is essential to shaping the future of the global organic movement. For step-by-step instructions on assigning a proxy, please contact Our contributions: Side event and session speakers As […]

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30 November-6 December, Taiwan

In a few weeks we will join the global organic movement at the IFOAM Organic World Congress (OWC) – a once-in-three-years opportunity to connect, share groundbreaking innovations, and shape the future of organic farming globally. As IFOAM Organics Europe, we are contributing to this year’s edition of the OWC, both with sessions focussing on EU organic and at
the IFOAM – Organics International General Assembly.

Global organic movement’s General Assembly

On 5-6 December, the global organic movement holds its General Assembly, an important moment in our organisations where the members democratically express their voice.

Can’t attend the IFOAM Organics International General Assembly in person? Assign a proxy to vote on your behalf! As we are sending a delegation, we are happy to act as your proxy to ensure your voice is heard (or your vote is cast). Whether you attend in person or assign a proxy, your input is essential to shaping the future of the global organic movement. For step-by-step instructions on assigning a proxy, please contact

Our contributions: Side event and session speakers

As IFOAM Organics Europe we will play an active role throughout the Congress, leading discussions, hosting sessions, and sharing our expertise on topics critical to Europe’s organic sector. For example:

  • 1 December 2024: Organic and Regenerative: together towards the future and beyond?
    Led by IFOAM Organics Europe Director Eduardo Cuoco and Policy Associate Manager Hanna Winkler, this session in the format of panel discussions and workshops will explore the synergy between organic and regenerative agriculture, combating greenwashing, and positioning organic as the foundation for sustainability. Outcomes include a strategic declaration to guide future policy and practices.
  • 2 December: Fishbowl on Organic & Regenerative
    Building on pre-conference outcomes, this session examines how organic certification can align with emerging regenerative trends and disclosure frameworks.
  • 3 December: Workshops & Sessions 
  • 13:30-15:00: New frontiers – organic standards and certification in the context of new sustainability reporting initiatives.
    Join Hanna Winkler to explore how organic standards intersect with emerging sustainability metrics and their impact on market perception.
  • 15:15-16:45: New Challenges: GMOs, Synthetic Biology and Seed Sovereignity
    IFOAM Organics Europe Deputy Director Eric Gall leads this crucial discussion on safeguarding organic farming against synthetic biology threats and protecting seed sovereignty amidst regulatory changes.
  • 17:00-18:30: Innovative Public Procurement for School Meals 
    In this session, Eduardo Cuoco will discuss how public food procurement in schools can boost organic markets and foster collaboration among governments, schools, and producers. 
  • 4 December: Long-term comparison of farming systems 
    Moderated by Eduardo Cuoco, this workshop highlights research comparing organic and conventional farming, showcasing the resilience, biodiversity, and profitability of organic systems globally.

Check the rich OWC2024 programme and register now and learn about the different passes.

About the Organic World Congress (OWC)

Every three years, the global organic movement meets at the IFOAM Organic World Congress (OWC) and holds its General Assembly.

The Organic World Congress brings together thousands of organic farmers, producers, researchers, advocates, and policy experts from around the world. It provides inspiration and momentum for all those taking part and is seen as a leading event for the global organic sector. It has a long history, spanning back to 1977, and has been a key meeting place of the organic movement ever since. Explore the Organic World Congress via

The post We are joining the global organic community at the Organic World Congress, you too? appeared first on IFOAM Organics Europe.

Preview of events Fri, 08 Nov 2024 16:44:32 +0000 We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Organic Food Forum, a new event designed to bring together key players in the organic business sector. This initiative merges two well-established events — the Organic Food Conference and IFOAM Organics Europe Meets Business — into one powerful platform. What is the Organic Food Forum? The Organic Food Forum is set to officially launch as a large-scale physical event in November 2025. It wants to provide a space for organic businesses to connect, collaborate, and explore opportunities in the organic sector. To prepare for its first edition, we are hosting an invitation-only pilot webinar  ‘Towards Organic Food Forum’ on 14 November 2024. This exclusive webinar will gather feedback from a select group of stakeholders and will allow participants to influence the content and structure of the future forum, ensuring it meets the ever-evolving needs of organic businesses Stay connected While the webinar Towards Organic Food Forum is invitation-only, the entire sector can look forward to more opportunities to engage and participate, for example at one of our many sessions at BIOFACH […]

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Towards the Organic Food Forum: New platform to shape the future of organic business 14 November, online

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Organic Food Forum, a new event designed to bring together key players in the organic business sector. This initiative merges two well-established events — the Organic Food Conference and IFOAM Organics Europe Meets Business — into one powerful platform.

What is the Organic Food Forum?

The Organic Food Forum is set to officially launch as a large-scale physical event in November 2025. It wants to provide a space for organic businesses to connect, collaborate, and explore opportunities in the organic sector.

To prepare for its first edition, we are hosting an invitation-only pilot webinar  ‘Towards Organic Food Forum’ on 14 November 2024. This exclusive webinar will gather feedback from a select group of stakeholders and will allow participants to influence the content and structure of the future forum, ensuring it meets the ever-evolving needs of organic businesses

Stay connected

While the webinar Towards Organic Food Forum is invitation-only, the entire sector can look forward to more opportunities to engage and participate, for example at one of our many sessions at BIOFACH 2025 and our European Organic Congress in Denmark in August 2025.

Stay tuned for updates so you can engage with the leaders shaping the organic business landscape in Europe!
To be continued at BIOFACH

We are joining the global organic community at the Organic World Congress, you too? 30 November-6 December, Taiwan

In a few weeks we will join the global organic movement at the IFOAM Organic World Congress (OWC) – a once-in-three-years opportunity to connect, share groundbreaking innovations, and shape the future of organic farming globally. As IFOAM Organics Europe, we are contributing to this year’s edition of the OWC, both with sessions focussing on EU organic and at
the IFOAM – Organics International General Assembly.
Global organic movement’s General Assembly
On 5-6 December, the global organic movement holds its General Assembly, an important moment in our organisations where the members democratically express their voice.
Can’t attend the IFOAM Organics International General Assembly in person? Assign a proxy to vote on your behalf! As we are sending a delegation, we are happy to act as your proxy to ensure your voice is heard (or your vote is cast). Whether you attend in person or assign a proxy, your input is essential to shaping the future of the global organic movement. For step-by-step instructions on assigning a proxy, please contact
Our contributions: Side event and session speakers
As IFOAM Organics Europe we will play an active role throughout the Congress, leading discussions, hosting sessions, and sharing our expertise on topics critical to Europe’s organic sector. For example:
1 December 2024: Organic and Regenerative: together towards the future and beyond?
Check the rich OWC2024 programme and register now and learn about the different passes.
About the Organic World Congress (OWC)
Every three years, the global organic movement meets at the IFOAM Organic World Congress (OWC) and holds its General Assembly.
The Organic World Congress brings together thousands of organic farmers, producers, researchers, advocates, and policy experts from around the world. It provides inspiration and momentum for all those taking part and is seen as a leading event for the global organic sector. It has a long history, spanning back to 1977, and has been a key meeting place of the organic movement ever since.
Explore the Organic World Congress via

The post Preview of events appeared first on IFOAM Organics Europe.

Towards the Organic Food Forum: New platform to shape the future of organic business Fri, 08 Nov 2024 16:00:16 +0000 We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Organic Food Forum, a new event designed to bring together key players in the organic business sector, which will take place on 14 November 2024. This initiative merges two well-established events — the Organic Food Conference and IFOAM Organics Europe Meets Business — into one powerful platform. The Organic Food Forum is set to officially launch as a large-scale physical event in November 2025. It wants to provide a space for organic businesses to connect, collaborate, and explore opportunities in the organic sector. To prepare for its first edition, we are hosting an invitation-only pilot webinar on 14 November 2024. This exclusive webinar will gather feedback from a selected group of stakeholders and will allow participants to influence the content and structure of the future forum, ensuring it meets the ever-evolving needs of organic businesses. While the webinar is invitation-only, the entire sector can look forward to more opportunities to engage and participate, for example at one of our many sessions at BIOFACH 2025 and our European Organic Congress in Denmark […]

The post Towards the Organic Food Forum: New platform to shape the future of organic business appeared first on IFOAM Organics Europe.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Organic Food Forum, a new event designed to bring together key players in the organic business sector, which will take place on 14 November 2024. This initiative merges two well-established events — the Organic Food Conference and IFOAM Organics Europe Meets Business — into one powerful platform.

What is the Organic Food Forum?

The Organic Food Forum is set to officially launch as a large-scale physical event in November 2025. It wants to provide a space for organic businesses to connect, collaborate, and explore opportunities in the organic sector.

To prepare for its first edition, we are hosting an invitation-only pilot webinar on 14 November 2024. This exclusive webinar will gather feedback from a selected group of stakeholders and will allow participants to influence the content and structure of the future forum, ensuring it meets the ever-evolving needs of organic businesses.

Stay connected

While the webinar is invitation-only, the entire sector can look forward to more opportunities to engage and participate, for example at one of our many sessions at BIOFACH 2025 and our European Organic Congress in Denmark in August 2025.

Stay tuned for updates so you can engage with the leaders shaping the organic business landscape in Europe!
To be continued at BIOFACH.

Exclusive event sponsor

IFOAM Organics Europe’s strategic sponsors

The work of IFOAM Organics Europe on this topic is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, under the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This page only reflects the views of the authors and its sole responsibility lies with IFOAM Organics Europe. The CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.

The post Towards the Organic Food Forum: New platform to shape the future of organic business appeared first on IFOAM Organics Europe.

Strategic Dialogue creates unique momentum to reconcile environmental & economic sustainability Mon, 14 Oct 2024 15:59:42 +0000 BRUSSELS, 14 OCTOBER 2024 – Speaking today at a hearing in the European Parliament committee for Agriculture on the outcome of the Strategic Dialogue on the future of agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe president Jan Plagge declared: “The Strategic Dialogue’s recommendations are an opportunity for all farmers, as they make it clear that environmental sustainability must go hand in hand with fair incomes. The Strategic Dialogue offers clear pathways for all farmers to transition to sustainable systems in a way that improves livelihoods, provides a real simplification while preventing greenwashing.” Mr Plagge highlighted organic food and farming as food production system that already demonstrates this: “The Strategic Dialogue explicitly recognises organic farming as prime example of food production system that reconciles nature protection and farmers’ income and as the only legally defined and regulated sustainable production system in the EU and should be upscaled. The European Commission and the Parliament must build on this unprecedented consensus among all agrifood stakeholders to shape a clear vision of the future for the agriculture sector.” Ends. Eva Berckmans, Communications Manager+32 2 416 27 62, […]

The post Strategic Dialogue creates unique momentum to reconcile environmental & economic sustainability appeared first on IFOAM Organics Europe.

BRUSSELS, 14 OCTOBER 2024 – Speaking today at a hearing in the European Parliament committee for Agriculture on the outcome of the Strategic Dialogue on the future of agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe president Jan Plagge declared:

“The Strategic Dialogue’s recommendations are an opportunity for all farmers, as they make it clear that environmental sustainability must go hand in hand with fair incomes. The Strategic Dialogue offers clear pathways for all farmers to transition to sustainable systems in a way that improves livelihoods, provides a real simplification while preventing greenwashing.”

Mr Plagge highlighted organic food and farming as food production system that already demonstrates this: “The Strategic Dialogue explicitly recognises organic farming as prime example of food production system that reconciles nature protection and farmers’ income and as the only legally defined and regulated sustainable production system in the EU and should be upscaled. The European Commission and the Parliament must build on this unprecedented consensus among all agrifood stakeholders to shape a clear vision of the future for the agriculture sector.”


Contact details

Eva Berckmans, Communications Manager
+32 2 416 27 62,
or visit

Useful documents

European Union official documents

European organic movement’s official position


The work of IFOAM Organics Europe on this topic is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, under the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This page only reflects the views of the authors and its sole responsibility lies with IFOAM Organics Europe. The CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.

The post Strategic Dialogue creates unique momentum to reconcile environmental & economic sustainability appeared first on IFOAM Organics Europe.

New GMOs – Key resources Wed, 02 Oct 2024 09:05:00 +0000 This article is an overview of useful resources we have compiled for you. We will update this on a rolling basis. If you have useful materials, please share them with We do the work for our members! They can find more information, instant messaging and visuals in our arguments database on the member extranet. All our Member only: Scientists’ and policy experts’ statement: Gene editing is not “precision breeding” and the term is misleading (September 2022) Citizens have voiced their concerns about the safeguard for genetic resources free of genetic modification in a petition with more than 420,000 signatures from 17 countries. Citizens demanded policymakers to keep (new) GMOs strictly regulated and labelled, and instead of using GMOs, support proven sustainable agricultural practices, like organic and other agroecological farming methods. During summer 2024, 376 businesses from the organic and conventional food industry united from 16 Member States, and signed the letter “Food Industry for Freedom of Choice” calling for rigorous labelling, detection methods, and co-existence measures of NGTs in Europe. Among the signatories are industry giants like REWE Group, […]

The post New GMOs – Key resources appeared first on IFOAM Organics Europe.

This article is an overview of useful resources we have compiled for you. We will update this on a rolling basis. If you have useful materials, please share them with

We do the work for our members! They can find more information, instant messaging and visuals in our arguments database on the member extranet.

Organic movement resources

All our

Member only:

NGO resources

Scientific resources

Scientists’ and policy experts’ statement: Gene editing is not “precision breeding” and the term is misleading (September 2022)

NGO petition

Citizens have voiced their concerns about the safeguard for genetic resources free of genetic modification in a petition with more than 420,000 signatures from 17 countries. Citizens demanded policymakers to keep (new) GMOs strictly regulated and labelled, and instead of using GMOs, support proven sustainable agricultural practices, like organic and other agroecological farming methods.

Other stakeholders

During summer 2024, 376 businesses from the organic and conventional food industry united from 16 Member States, and signed the letter “Food Industry for Freedom of Choice” calling for rigorous labelling, detection methods, and co-existence measures of NGTs in Europe. Among the signatories are industry giants like REWE Group, SPAR Austria, dm-drogerie market and Biocoop. On 3 September 2024, representatives from the coalition met with István Nagy, the Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and [at that moment] EU Council President for Agriculture and Fisheries, to convey the industry’s concerns and personally hand over the letter.
Read more in our dedicated news item.


On 30 November 2023, we hosted a press conference on NGTs, urging Members of the European Parliament and Member States to respect the decision of organic farmers not to use NGTs. The press conference featured interventions from key figures, including Jan Plagge, President of Bioland and IFOAM Organics Europe; Dr. Angelika Hilbeck, agroecologist at ETH Zürich; and Bernard Lignon, Project Lead on Regulations and Organic Product Quality at SYNABIO. Watch the key takeaways of the conference in our dedicated Youtube playlist.

On 17 November 2022, we held the GMO-free Europe event at the European Parliament, together with Save our Seeds. The event was hosted in the European Parliament by Green/EFA Members of Parliament and united representatives of GMO-free Regions, scientists, farmers, producers, retailers, and consumers as well as NGOs, civil servants, and politicians to scrutinize the proposal and take a stand together. The event was a full success with more than 250 participants joining online and in person. Watch the full recordings in our dedicated YouTube playlist.

For more information on (new) GMOs and IFOAM Organics Europe’s work on this issue, please visit our website and contact

IFOAM Organics Europe members can find more information on the member extranet and background materials in the arguments database on the member extranet (main messages, arguments/FAQs, visuals & videos). Contact for access rights (issues).

For information about what you can gain from being a member, read our membership page and contact

They make it possible

The post New GMOs – Key resources appeared first on IFOAM Organics Europe.
