Civil society is taking the CAP by storm: What happened, what’s next and how to get involved?
The Good Food Good Farming campaign mobilised ahead of the European elections, organising a stunt under the motto We can’t eat promises! in Brussels on Saturday 1 June. Our staff took part in a demonstration calling for climate action and a fair transition of our agri-food systems. Along with NGOs and grassroots movements, all participants gathered at Place de l’Albertine in Brussels, urging politicians to improve farmers’ conditions, halt environmental rollbacks, and strengthen climate policies.
Action days calling for a just food system transition in October
The Campaign is continuing its actions focusing its Action Days 2024 on the Common Agricultural Policy. Any European event demanding a just transition can register on There are no strict rules for the event, everything that is related to good food and farming works: a harvest festival, seed fair, film screening, farm-visit, picnic, protest or public discussion – everything is welcome!
Add your event’s voice to the call & use ready-made communication materials
Interested to join? Is it simple: Declare your support and register your event via an online form . Your event and all the others will be available on an interactive map, a great opportunity to make noise around your own demands for European #GoodFoodGoodFarming!
If you want more information, you can read the campaign’s Call to Action and check the ready-made communication material.
About Good Food Good Farming
The civil society alliance Good Food Good Farming (GFGF) campaigns for sustainable food and farming across Europe. By bringing together groups and organisations active at local, national and EU level it campaigns to transform EU food and farming policies. IFOAM Organics Europe has been part of the coalition since its inception. The campaign organises annual European Days of Action 1-31 October. Are you interested to learn more or take part? Subscribe to the GFGF newsletter or find your national contact for the Good Food Good Farming alliance.

The work of IFOAM Organics Europe on this topic is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, under the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This page only reflects the views of the authors and its sole responsibility lies with IFOAM Organics Europe. The CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.