Webinar “Pesticide Residues and Regulation Requirements in Organic Agriculture”
Organised by IFOAM – Organics International and IFOAM Organics Europe, the webinar will focus on the management of pesticide residues in organic products, within the regulatory framework.
Organic operators face significant administrative and economic burdens caused by unavoidable pesticide contamination.
This issue holds substantial importance not only for the organic sector in Europe, but also for countries that trade with the European Community. Over the past two years (2020-2022), IFOAM Organics Europe has been diligently working on a project to advocate for EU policies and regulations that ensure a level playing field and support for farmers, processors, retailers, and traders producing food without the use of pesticides. The project has yielded two research studies and one Position Paper, which are the main outcomes.
Lea Bauer, a regulation expert and in-house consultant at IFOAM Organics Europe, will conduct an online discussion to talk about the latest updates on organic regulations. Nazilya Ismailova, the Senior Project Coordinator at OT4D project at IFOAM – Organics International and Clara Garrone, the Projects and Partnership officer at IFOAM Organics Europe will moderate the session. The discussion will specifically focus on issues related to pesticide residues.
This webinar will be inscribed in the frame of the Organic Trade For Development (OT4D) programme led by IFOAM – Organics International, which aims to accelerate the organic sectors in Albania, Serbia and Ukraine through exports, partnerships and strategies. Both partner organisations believe that the topic of pesticides residues and the specific trade requirements recently updated for the third countries are of significant interest to the countries targeted by the program.
We anticipate this event as an excellent opportunity to exchange best practices and explore avenues for further developing the organic sector.
Download the agenda and register here to attend.