Final SOLMACC Conference 2018
16 May 2018
Agriculture is a sector that on the one hand contributes to climate change, yet on the other hand, it is deeply impacted by climate change effects. Due to this duality, it is key for farmers and other agriculture actors to work together and find long-lasting, systemic solutions that will lead to greater mitigation as well as adaption to climate change.
During this half-day conference, the willingness of organic farmers to be part of the solution in fighting climate change will be highlighted, the potential of mitigating and adapting to climate change of 4 key farming practices will be presented, and policy recommendations will be discussed. To this end, the final results of the SOLMACC project will be showcased.
SOLMACC is a LIFE project that has been promoting climate-friendly farming practices for the last 4 years and scientifically monitoring the climate impact of implementing the 4 farming practices at 12 European organic demonstration farms. SOLMACC partners (IFOAM EU, FiBL, Bioland, AIAB and Ekologiska Lantbrukarna) and farmers will be present to share their experiences from the project and offer an insight into the socio-economic implications of implementing the practices and the reduction of GHG emissions.
In the second part of the event, a panel of experts will discuss the steps needed on the policy level to ensure a wider uptake of climate-friendly practices and to drive the EU agriculture sector in contributing towards EU’s climate change goals. The role of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) in achieving this goal will be especially focused on during the discussion.
More information on the project: http://solmacc.eu/
German-English translation provided.
Dr. Beatrix Tappeser, State Secretary of Hessen, Hessen Ministry of Environment, Climate, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
Martin Häusling, MEP, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance
Sigrid Griese and Stephanie Fischinger, SOLMACC national coordinators Germany, Bioland
Results from the scientific monitoring of the SOLMACC practices:
Lin Bautze, SOLMACC scientific coodinator, FiBL
SOLMACC farmers’ perspective on the benefits of implementing the practices, opportunities and challenges faced:
Kjell Sjelin, SOLMACC farmer, Hånsta Östergärde, SE
Oscar Franzen, Ekologiska Lantbrukarna, and Ralf Mack, Bioland, SOLMACC advisors
Daniele Fontanive, SOLMACC national coordinator and advisor Italy, AIAB
Eric Gall, Policy Manager and Deputy Director, IFOAM EU
Faustine Bas-Defossez, Principal Policy Analyst and Head of Agriculture and Land Management Programme, IEEP
Christine Müller, Policy Officer, DG Climate Action, Unit C.3 Land Use and Innovation Finance
Dr. Andrea Beste, Institute for Soil Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture
Kurt Sannen, President. BioForum Vlaanderen, and Organic Farmer, Het Bolhuis, BE
Moderator: Eduardo Cuoco, Director (IFOAM EU)
Newly-elected IFOAM EU President
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