Online press conference: Conventional and organic pesticides compared, 23 February
“Organic farming is not what it claims to be. Organic farmers also spray poisons – and not too sparingly.” “Organic farmers and growers use active substances that are as toxic as chemical/synthethic pesticides’ active substances.” Or at least, this is what advocates of industrial agriculture claim.
With the European Citizens’ Initiative “Save Bees and Farmers”, more than 1 million Europeans are calling for a gradual phase-out of synthetic pesticides. The European Commission has proposed a legally binding EU-wide 50 % reduction target for chemical pesticides by 2030. At the same time, it aims to increase the share of organic farming in Europe to 25%. . Against this background, reputation-damaging attacks on the use of plant protection products in organic agriculture are also on the rise.
Time for a fact check! We cordially invite you to the press conference on the exciting comparison of pesticide active substances approved for conventional and organic agriculture.
Date: 23 february 2023, 9:00-10:00
Online, Zoom:
Meeting ID: 890 9542 0079
Passcode: 848061
The experts:
- Helmut Burtscher-Schaden, biochemist of GLOBAL 2000 presents the results of a new peer reviewed study (Burtscher-Schaden/Durstberger/Zaller, 2022) on the toxicological comparison of pesticide active substances approved for conventional and organic agriculture in Europe,
- Lili Balogh, President of Agroecology Europe and farmer reports on preventive, natural measures in plant protection,
- Jennifer Lewis, Director of IBMA (biocontrol manufacturers) will present the possibilities for conventional farmers to use biocontrol substances and IPM as alternatives to synthetic pesticides & the need for a faster registration process of natural/biocontrol substances,
- Jan Plagge, President of IFOAM Organics Europe will frame the paper’s results in the context of political strategies for EU pesticide reduction and strengthening organic farming to ensure the productivity of our agriculture for the next generations.
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