Innovative solutions in organic fruit production – BIOFRUITNET project’s final conference – 2 March 2023, 9:15-13.30 (CET), online
Organic farming relies on knowledge and information flow and has a biodiversity-based approach to plant health. Sharing the available best practices through stronger networks is crucial to support organic farmers across Europe.

Join the BIOFRUITNET project’s final event and get to know more about
- The latest innovations and solutions in pome, stone and citrus fruits including strategies on pest and disease control, soil management and biodiversity, and
- The most suitable varieties and rootstocks.
Our experts will share experience on strengthening networks in organic fruit growing production and efficiently disseminate the best practices to farmers and advisers. The online conference gives the opportunity to interact with speakers and access to a wide range of tools and materials.
Register now! If you have any questions on the BIOFRUITNET event, please contact [email protected]
Check the BIOFRUITNET website and follow us on our social media: Facebook , Twitter and Linkedln.
BIOFRUITNET will strengthen the competitiveness of European organic fruit production through strong knowledge networks. Within BIOFRUITNET, IFOAM Organics Europe leads the knowledge transfer and dissemination through easy-to-read end user materials, such as practice abstracts and videos. IFOAM Organics Europe is also responsible for developing a communication kit to maximize the impact of BIOFRUITNET at events, fairs, and congresses. BIOFRUITNET is an EU Horizon 2020-funded project.