Organic movement asks for higher environmental ambition in the upcoming Fertiliser Communication & digitalization of pesticide use data in SAIO’s implementing act
Upcoming Fertilizers Communication of the Commission
On 24 October, we co-signed a joint letter with 9 NGOs calling on the Commission to:
- Set a long-term vision for the sustainability and resilience of the farming sector for the upcoming Fertilizer Strategy (expected on 9 November 2022), and
- Not further delay the publication of the Integrated Nutrients Management Action Plan (INMAP).
The INMAP provides the best framework for addressing the immediate issues relating to fertilisers as part of a strategic and holistic strategy for balanced nutrient management. With an eye on the current energy crisis, the European Union should be less dependent of synthetic fertilizers imports and should promote farming practices which rely on system approaches and alternatives to synthetic fertilisers, such as organic fertilisers and a better recycling of nutrients already in the system
Statistics on Agricultural Inputs and Outputs (SAIO) Regulation
On 3 November 2022, we signed a joint-contribution with 15 NGOs on the Commission’s public consultation on an implementing act of the Statistics on Agricultural Inputs and Outputs (SAIO) Regulation. The implementing act wants to ensure digitalisation of pesticides use records across the EU and therefore a better collection of data.
Reforming the SAIO is crucial to get more data on organic farming practices. Since its reform, it foresees that pesticide use data will be collected every 2 years for a common selection of crops until 2028 and every year after 2028 (instead of every 5 years as is currently the case).
But Member States represented in the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (PAFF Committee) still need to approve this implementing act during the upcoming vote, scheduled on 8-9 December 2022, to ensure proper implementation at national level. That is why we call on the national governments represented in the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (PAFF committee) to vote in favour of the adoption of this Implementing Regulation.
The SAIO and the EU’s green targets
The European Parliament approved the Statistics on Agricultural Inputs and Outputs (SAIO) Regulation on 4 October 2022. Now, the Regulation will be detailed through implementing and delegated accts.
Having more data on pesticides use will help realise the Farm to Fork Strategy’s targets of 50% pesticide use reduction by 2030 across Europe. It will also ensure proper implementation of the Commission’s proposal on the Sustainable Use of Pesticide Regulation (SUR) currently discussed in trialogue.
For more information on these topics and IFOAM Organics Europe’s work on them, please contact [email protected]. Do note that we prioritise our members’ requests.
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The work of IFOAM Organics Europe on this topic is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, under the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This page only reflects the views of the authors and its sole responsibility lies with IFOAM Organics Europe. The CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.