Contribute to the Commission’s consultation on the future EU integrated nutrient management action plan (INMAP)
The Commission is preparing an Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan (INMAP) as announced in the EU Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies and the Zero Pollution Action Plan. This will help achieve the 2030 zero pollution targets with a focus on minimising pollution at source.
The Commission has opened a public consultation on the future INMAP for 3 months and EU stakeholders and citizens are invited to reply to an online questionnaire about the possible elements of the future INMAP.
The INMAP should be built up on two axes: how to reduce nutrient pollution and how to better recycle nutrients. Measures targeting farming practices (manure management and fertilisation practices) will be at the heart of this action plan. This is an opportunity for the organic movement to promote the holistic approach to plant nutrition in organic farming as part of the solution to reduce nutrient pollution and close nutrient cycles.
In addition, the war in Ukraine pushes the EU to reduce its dependency on chemical nitrogen fertilisers, by developing the EU market of recycled fertilisers. There, the organic sector should ensure that recycled fertilisers to be placed on the market will be compatible with organic farming rules.
Therefore, IFOAM Organics Europe encourages its members to contribute to the Commission’s public consultation on the future EU INMAP, until 26 August. IFOAM Organics Europe will also reply to the online questionnaire.
For more information on plant health and IFOAM Organics Europe’s work on this issue, please contact [email protected].

The work of IFOAM Organics Europe on this topic is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, under the under the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This publication only reflects the views of the authors and its sole responsibility lies with IFOAM Organics Europe. CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.