Alternatives to contentious input in organic – Heritage of RELACS project

The RELACS project developed and researched alternatives to contentious inputs in organic crop production – copper and mineral oils, nutrient inputs – and livestock production – anthelmintics, antibiotics and vitamins. Starting from a list of alternatives at various maturity levels, we can proudly say that many have reached the final stage for on-farm implementation.
Together with the other project partners, we produced a great number of documents:
- 3 roadmaps for European policymakers
- 26 scientific publications for scientists
- 20 practical guidelines for farmers and practitioners
- 8 deliverables and reports
- 7 news stories, and 1 coming soon
- And several videos summarising RELACS’ results
Even if the project ended in April 2022, the research heritage of RELACS will certainly guide many future developments in organic crop production. A big thank you to all who made it possible.

Visit the RELACS website to learn more and read up on the project’s deliverables. You can also follow it on Twitter and Facebook using @RELACSeu and #RELACSeu (active until autumn 2022).
RELACS promoted the development and adoption of environmentally safe and economically viable tools and technologies to reduce the use of external inputs in organic farming systems. IFOAM Organics Europe was responsible for the communication and dissemination of project results as well as the coordination of the science-practice-policy dialogue. RELACS was an EU Horizon 2020-funded project.

RELACS promoted the development and adoption of environmentally safe and economically viable tools and technologies to reduce the use of external inputs in organic farming systems. IFOAM Organics Europe was responsible for the communication and dissemination of project results as well as the coordination of the science-practice-policy dialogue. RELACS was an EU Horizon 2020-funded project.