EU Organic Regulation guide – Beta version online for members!

As most of you are very much aware of, the new EU Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 will be applied in only a few weeks, on 1 January 2022; and the reading will not be easy!
The new EU Organic Regulation: Much more difficult to read
Contrary to the current EU Organic Regulation, composed of a basic regulation and two implementing regulations, the new EU Organic Regulation will be composed of one basic regulation with annexes, plus 24 secondary regulations amending or supplementing the basic regulation – some of them still to be published.
On top of that, the text contains many cross-references. They will oblige the reader to navigate between the basic regulation and the difference secondary regulations. Furthermore, the new regulation contains many references to other EU legislations, obliging the reader to open and read legislations they usually do not deal with, such as wine, official controls, flavourings, fertiliser, plant protection products, etc.
There are also examples of an article referring to another EU regulation and when checking that said-article, it refers to yet another article of a third EU Regulation. As you will understand by now, reading the new regulation will not be as easy as the current one.
Our regulation guide will help you!
But do not worry, we have been working on a guide to help our members and other operators navigate the labyrinth of the new legal framework.
The beta version of this guide is finally live for our members! Our members can consult the guide on, using the credentials they received via email and available on the IFOAM Organics Europe member extranet.
Please consider that we have been working hard on getting this beta version ready on time. We are performing continuous reviews and welcome your feedback on [email protected].
For the moment you can find 5 chapters:
- Scope,
- Plant production,
- Poultry,
- Food processing, and
- Wine.
We will also upload ‘herbivores’, ‘pigs production’ sand ‘control and certification’ soon.
This first version is now available for our members, and we will further develop it in the coming weeks. Our member can read more about the guide on our member extranet. For information about membership and accessing our member extranet, please contact [email protected]. For questions about the guide, please contact [email protected].
What will happen from January 2022 on?
Every IFOAM Organics Europe member will have one access for free! If a member wishes more accesses or accesses for their members, a (reduced) contribution will be asked.
For non-member, the full price will apply. Reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions about membership.
Again, many things are still ongoing, but we hope you will enjoy your first navigation!
We are working hard finetuning the existing chapters and preparing the next upload! We are aware that there are still things to fix, so please send us your feedback at [email protected].
Be patient, and in a few weeks, you will have a very good tool in your hands to simplify your day-to-day work. In the meantime, feedback is more than welcome!
We want to thank our seed sponsors who made setting up this guide possible. Without you, it would not be here. We would also like to thank our new sponsors that are now joining! If you also want to become a sponsor, please email [email protected].
This work was made possible thanks to commitments from these sponsors:
- Servicio de Certificación CAAE S.L.U. (CAAE) – Golden Sponsor & Seed Sponsor
- Ecocert – Golden Sponsor & Seed Sponsor
- ValorItalia – Golden Sponsor
- Controllo e Certificazione CCPB – CCPB Srl (CCPB) – Silver Sponsor & Seed Sponsor
- Organic Farmers & Growers Ltd (OF&G) – Silver Sponsor & Seed Sponsor
- Certysis – Silver Sponsor
- CSQA – Silver Sponsor
- Ekoagros – Bronze Sponsor & Seed Sponsor
- Bio Austria – Bronze sponsor
- Bionext – Seed Sponsor
- Czech Technology Platform for Organic Agriculture (CTPEZ) – Seed Sponsor
- Balkan Biocert
- Bioselena
Interested in the project? Sponsor us! Get in touch with [email protected]