Symposium on animal husbandry and grazing management in organic farming
On 10 June, a symposium on animal husbandry and grazing management in organic farming will cover perspectives for organic producers related to the new EU Organic Regulation, Regulation (EU) 2018/848.

The new EU organic regulation enters into force on 1 January 2022 and requires adjustments to national legislation for organic production in EU member states. The practical implementation of the new regulation brings both opportunities and challenges, notably in connection with organic animal husbandry.
During the event, producers and animals will be central in a discussion about implementing the new legal requirements for organic production. The aim is to have all stakeholders sit down together and discuss concerns and hopes of organic farmers with representatives of the European Commission.
Our President, Jan Plagge, will join the debate together with many more quality speakers:
- From the EU institutions: Diego Canga Fano, Principal Advisor of DG AGRI, EU Commission; Herbert Dorfmann, Coordinator of the Agricultural Committee, EPP; Martin Häusling, MEP; Elena Panichi, Head of Unit Organics, DG AGRI, EU Commission;
- From the national institutions: Josef Moosbrugger, President of Austrian Chamber of Agriculture; Andrea Wagner, Vice president of Lower Austrian Chamber of Agriculture;
- Representatives of organic in Europe: Gertraud Grabmann, Head of Bio Austria;, Hubert Heigl, President of Naturland; Alexander Beck, Executive Board Member AöL; Fiona Marty, European Policy Officer at FNAB; and Wolfram Dienel, Vice Chair of Copa-Cogeca Working Party on Organic Agriculture.
The symposium will take place from 9:30-13:15 and simultaneous translation from German to English will be provided.
On 9 June, a national ‘pre-event’ and technical dialogue will take place together with neighboring European countries, the focus of which will be on the following topic: What innovations will the EU Organic Regulation 2018/848 bring? The event is open to all those interested but please note that the conference language will be German and that no translation will be offered on this day.
The Austrian Rural Network is organising this event in cooperation with the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture, our member Bio Austria, the umbrella organisation of control bodies and the agricultural research centre Raumberg-Gumpenstein. Read the programme in English or German. To attend, register for free by 7 June 2021.