Discuss CAP, new EU Organic Regulation & more at the European Organic Congress 2021 – Remember to save the date!
Are you interested in discussing the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the new EU Organic Regulation, rural development and more? Then save the date for our European Organic Congress 2021.
This year’s edition will take place online, live from Lisbon on 16-18 June 2021, organised by IFOAM Organics Europe and our Portuguese partner Agrobio.
The congress will bring together organic stakeholders from across Europe to talk about policy developments in organic food and farming. We will cover the alignment of CAP Strategic Plans with the EU Green Deal, expected changes in the new EU Organic Regulation, organic’s contribution to climate change mitigation, sustainable food systems and rural development.
On top of that, we will dive deep into the work being done on the ground in Portugal, linking organic farming with health and biodiversity.
Join the 15th edition of our European Organic Congress to attend a variety of panel discussions and benefit from the knowledge and expertise of our high-level speakers and moderators.
More information on the programme and registration will follow soon. Stay tuned for updates by visiting our website and following @OrganicsEurope on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.