Fruitful discussion during LiveSeeding online webinar on organic seed and planting material databases
On 4 July 2024, the LiveSeeding project organised a learning exchange on organic seed databases, using examples from Spain and Austria’s national organic seed databases, the EU Organic Seed Router database and OrganicXSeeds.
The meeting fostered cross-country exchange to increase transparency in the organic seed and breeding sector. This was reflected in the participation that ranged from representatives of competent authorities, agricultural ministries, control bodies, seed authorities, seed database manager, breeder and multiplier of organic plant reproductive material (PRM) and organic farming associations.
Presentations during the webinar:
- Miguel Vega García from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Food who presented the Spanish national database ECOSID on the availability of organic and in-conversion plant reproductive material;
- Kaja Gutzen from the German Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL Germany e.V.) who gave a first presentation on the database OrganicXseed and how it can be adapted to national needs and a second one on the EU Organic Seed Router database and new features that will be implemented within the LiveSeeding project;
- Angela Thüringer from AGES Austria who presented the organic seed and planting material database in Austria.
Recording of the webinar Exchange on organic seed and planting material databases are available.
The LiveSeeding project is a four-year Innovation Action on organic seed and plant breeding to accelerate sustainable and diverse food systems in Europe, which started in October 2022 and will run until September 2026. It provides science-based evidence and best practice solutions to help achieve 100 % organic seed. To deliver on its ambitious goal, LiveSeeding brings together 37 organisations from a wide range of sectors operating in 16 European countries and can build on the knowledge developed in the LIVESEED project (2017-2021).
The project has a budget of €6.6 million, funded by the European Union, the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). FiBL Europe coordinates this Horizon Europe-funded project and its 37 partners. IFOAM Organics Europe is responsible for stakeholder management.
Learn more about and follow the project on, LinkedIn, X and Facebook.