Preview of events
External advisory services and advisors with organic competences or an interest in organic are invited to join the OrganicAdviceNetwork project’s network. On 26 June 2024 we will present planned activities and discuss possible levels of engagement of more advisors in the project.
Do you want to know more about OrganicAdviceNetwork? Are you interested to participate in project activities or discuss potential collaborations? Join us online:
📆 26 June
⏱️ 15:00-16:30 CEST
💻 Join us on Teams
The OrganicAdviceNetwork project aims to create and animate the first-European network of organic advisors. It kicked-off last April and the project activities are now starting.
About the OrganicAdviceNetwork (OAN)
The OrganicAdviceNetwork project will create and animate a network of advisors and advisory services for the organic sector across Europe. It will do so via in-person and online trainings and courses on a wide variety or agricultural topics to help conventional advisors or young graduates interested in becoming organic advisors. Organic advisors with different levels of experience will exchange with their peers. The project will also research the finance and business-side of establishing a European network of organic advisory services.
Advisory services from 14 European countries are involved in the project but all types of organic advisors and advisory services willing to join the network and/or attend the trainings are very welcome!
As IFOAM Organics Europe we lead on this project. For more information, please contact [email protected] and [email protected].

OrganicAdviceNetwork is funded by the European Union (Grant no. 101134850) and by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) (Grant no. 23.0639, 101134850). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, European Research Executive Agency (REA) or Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). Neither the European Union nor any other the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”
We are organising a series of free and open webinars relevant to organic farming as part of our involvement in the project IPMWORKS. In June, we will cover biodiversity inside and outside organic greenhouses from a Mediterranean and Central European perspectives.
📆 28 June
⏱️ 14:00-15:30 CEST
💻 Teams, Link to join
Why this webinar?
Invasive pests against which no Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies are in place may severely damage greenhouse farmers’ crops. Examples of these growing concerns are pests like Thrips parvispinus in vegetable greenhouses, the Tomato brown rugose fruit virus, aphids in cucurbits, and Drosophila suzukii in Portugal, Belgium to name a few.
Climate change and globalisation increases the intensity of these pests. Integrated control, especially the development of biodiversity, is a way to mitigate these pests. Organic farmers ensure the agroecosystem they work in is healthy so they can reduce external inputs and mainly rely on preventive and indirect agronomic measures to manage pests and diseases.
These webinars create a space for agricultural practitioners and experts to learn about and exchange on topics relevant to organic agriculture.
About the projects
IPMWORKS promotes the adoption of cost-effective Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, based on an EU-wide network of farmers. 31 partners from 16 European countries will progress the adoption of IPM – through peer-to-peer learning and joint efforts – and demonstrate how to other farmers how holistic IPM “works” by reducing farmers’ reliance on pesticides with better pest control, reduced costs and enhanced profitability.
It is a Horizon 2020 financed project gathering coordinated by the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE). Within the project, IFOAM Organics Europe is responsible to support organic farmers and promote their successful strategies within and outside of the project.
Follow @H2020IPMWorks on Twitter, LinkedIn & YouTube to stay tuned.
We are thrilled to announce that second edition of the Organic Europe Youth Event (OEYE) 2024 is fully booked. Thank you for applying in large numbers, we are grateful about your enthusiasm about the event after only one edition.
While this means that we are unable to accept further registrations, we are thankful to anyone who registered and showed interest cannot wait to meet you in Bari on 8 July.
The event is themed “Building Resilient Food Futures” and participants will explore topics such as sustainable public food procurement, local food policies, digitalising farming, and biodistricts. Participants to this year’s youth event will get to engage in panel and group discussions, educational lectures, and informative parallel sessions about hot topics in the organic field.
Below a few highlights from OEYE 2024’s programme.
• Who is who in sustainable food systems? Agroecology, organic, biodynamic, and regenerative. Together for sustainable farming;
• Growing green: Insights from organic entrepreneurs.
Learning lectures (choose two):
• Unlocking opportunities: Youth and access to land;
• Sustaining communities: Biodistricts’ potential feeding rural vitality;
• Gender in agriculture: Empowering women, nurturing food system changes;
• Growing forward: Farming in the digital age.
Parallel sessions (choose two):
• Organic content creators: Practical ways to make organic attractive with an organic content creator;
• Open innovation: How it can support young people in innovating their organic businesses at both process and product levels;
• Leadership workshop: Creating a young organic leader’s network;
• Fostering local food democracy: Exponents of the Italian Local Food Policies Network;
• Living Labs: Enabling ecosystems and strong support for innovation in both rural and urban areas;
• How can young people play a role in sustainable public procurement?
• Inclusivity: On immigration and wage slavery.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Bari and meeting the next generation of organic leaders! All information about the event is available on the Organics Europe Youth Event 2024 page.

The work of IFOAM Organics Europe on this topic is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, under the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This page only reflects the views of the authors and its sole responsibility lies with IFOAM Organics Europe. The CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.
BEING ORGANIC in EU will supporting the Organics Europe Youth Event excursions. Thanks to this contribution participants to the youth event get to experience the reality of being an organic producer first-hand.
Event attendees can join one of these two field trips.
ANDRIANI SPA in Gravina di Puglia
Andriani came to be in 2009 with a precise idea: innovate the production and marketing of pasta, creating a naturally gluten-free product, a healthy and unique flavour, with a variety of new ingredients (rice, corn, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, lentils, and peas). Product and process innovation has always characterized the management approach of the Andriani Group, which has always combined competitiveness with sustainability.
Cuonzo Organic Farm in Bitonto
Cuonzo Organic Farm is a family business farm with around 30 hectares of olive groves, immersed in the hilly area of Bitonto, always considered “city of oil”. The company is run by owner Franco and his daughter Letizia and together they decided to marry the philosophy of organic farming to offer their customers the highest quality natural product. In 2017, the traditional crusher was replaced by a proto-reactor to which is added a photovoltaic power plant.

About Being Organic in EU
The BEING ORGANIC in EU project is a promotion campaign proposed by FederBio in cooperation with Naturland co-financed by the European Union under EU Regulation No. 1144/2014, which aims to increase and strengthen the consideration of European organic farming in the Italian and German markets by raising awareness and recognition of EU organic farming practices and the EU organic logo. Visit and follow it on social media using #beingorganiceu.
We are delighted to announce our special offer for the European Organic Congress 2024 – a free ticket challenge! Take your chance to gain a free entrance ticket to the full 3-day programme of the European Organic Congress in Budapest, Hungary, on 10-12 September.
How can you win a free ticket?
Take 4 easy steps:
- Click “Repost with your thoughts” on our LinkedIn post;
- Add “Meet me at European Organic Congress 2024 in Budapest, Hungary on 10-12 September! #EOC2024” or any other comment using #EOC2024;
- Tag @IFOAM Organics Europe and @ÖMKi – Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
- If you are among those who collected most reactions to your post among the participants you might win a free EOC ticket.
As simple as that! The free ticket challenge will run until 15 June 23:59 CEST.
Already purchased your ticket but keen to participate in the challenge?
Don’t worry, in case you win the challenge, we will refund you the price of your ticket. On 17 June we will announce a winner – one of the people with most reactions to their repost (likes and other reactions, comments, reposts in total).
Would you like to buy a ticket?
If you want to secure your spot, enjoy our generous discount and get your ticket today. Early-bird fares are available until 30 June – make sure you can enjoy it!
Why join? Network with over 200 participants from across Europe, enjoy dynamic sessions, and take part in excursions to local organic operators – we are waiting for you to join the sector’s flagship policy event!
Keep an eye out for updates on the Congress’ website and follow @OrganicsEurope #EOC2024 #EUorganic2030 on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

The work of IFOAM Organics Europe on this topic is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, under the under the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This publication only reflects the views of the authors and its sole responsibility lies with IFOAM Organics Europe. CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.
The international tradeshow for organic products, Natexpo, will be back 23-24 September 2024 at Eurexpo Lyon, France. Every year, Natexpo is a key moment for the sector to demonstrate its incredible ability to innovate, progress and mobilise to take even more steps forwards and pursue a development that is both positively impactful and necessary.
The exhibition’s teams are already hard at work to make the 2024 show in Eurexpo Lyon a success for the whole profession. The show’s format has therefore been revised to better cater to the expectations of visitors and exhibitors, and to market realities.
New format
For this new edition, Natexpo is ringing the changes and adopting a new, more compact format, over two days, Monday and Tuesday. This opening period only on weekdays includes the Monday to maximise the mobilisation of the retail sector. The exhibition stands options have been simplified, with a choice between stand space only and fitted stands to save exhibitors time and energy. Another new development at the show is Natexpo Tchin Tchin! Fizz on the stands and music in the aisles: come and enjoy a festive and relaxing moment on Monday evening from 6pm to 9pm, open to both visitors and exhibitors.
Same quality
93% of the exhibition’s visitors are looking for information on new organic trends and innovations. Natexpo is the perfect place to do just that. The show offers an incubator space at the heart of the show: the Seeds Village and the Big Splash, to highlight the innovation in the sector. Trends are also on display in the New Products Gallery, a showcase for exhibitor innovations and a platform for exciting new finds, visited by all the journalists and visitors looking out for new products.
Another reflection of the organic world’s limitless inventiveness: the Natexpo Awards, which since 2005 have distinguished the most original, useful and eco-friendly products launched on the market over the previous year, through 11 categories representing the entire organic sector, with, in addition, an International Special Commendation, rewarding the most innovative product presented by a non-French company. Presented by a jury made up of experts, journalists and professionals from the organic and nutritional sectors, the Natexpo Awards provide proof to retailers and consumers of the added value and the standout nature of the product.
Natexpo offers the perfect opportunity to fill up on innovation and meet future business partners. Save 23-24 September in your planner for Natexpo 2024 at Eurexpo Lyon, France.
For more information on this new edition, visit

On 9-10 October, IFOAM Organics Europe will facilitate one of the most important debates at this year’s edition of the Nordic Organic Food Fair in Stockholm. Bringing together organic leaders from the Nordic region, the annual debate is a huge draw for retailers, press, and professionals who come for important updates about the future of organic – including challenges and vital opportunities for the year ahead.
Taking place for the first time at Kistamässan Stockholm, the ‘Big Nordic Organic Debate’ will bring together organic leaders from Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Iceland. These experts will share their valuable insights regarding the state of organic in their respective markets and will delve into vital trends for retailers to watch. Last year’s debate which was facilitated by IFOAM Organics Europe’s Deputy Director, Joanna Wierzbicka, featured Aura Lamminparras (CEO of Pro Luomu r); Charlotte Bladh André (CEO, Organic Sweden); Helle Borup Friberg (CEO, Organic Denmark); Eyglo Bjork Olafsdottir (Chairman, Organic Iceland); and Markus Lohne Hustad (CEO, Økologisk Norge).
“It is always both inspiring and rewarding to discuss the market development for organic food with our Nordic neighbours. Our markets look different in many ways, but we still have a lot to learn from each other. What strengthens me the most is hearing how we are all working hard to change the food system with organic as part of the solution,” says Charlotte Bladh André CEO at Organic Sweden.
Joanna Wierzbicka, Deputy Director at IFOAM Organics Europe added: “We are excited to continue partnership with Diversified Communications, a company with a proven track record of promoting sustainability and innovation in the food industry. By combining our resources, we enhance our understanding of market trends and challenges and exchange ideas. That helps us more effectively address current industry challenges, making meaningful impact on the sector’s progress.”
More details about the debate will be announced in the coming weeks.
Discover the future of organic at Nordic Organic Food Fair 2024
The Nordic Organic Food Fair will bring together hundreds of certified organic food and drink brands with thousands of retailers and foodservice professionals. From Sweden to Denmark, Greece to Italy, Norway to Spain – the show will display a variety of international products as well as home-grown local brands.
Visitor registration will open soon. To register your interest, or to enquire about exhibiting, visit the official website.