Organics Europe Youth Event: Fully booked & programme update
We are thrilled to announce that second edition of the Organic Europe Youth Event (OEYE) 2024 is fully booked. Thank you for applying in large numbers, we are grateful about your enthusiasm about the event after only one edition.
While this means that we are unable to accept further registrations, we are thankful to anyone who registered and showed interest cannot wait to meet you in Bari on 8 July.
The event is themed “Building Resilient Food Futures” and participants will explore topics such as sustainable public food procurement, local food policies, digitalising farming, and biodistricts. Participants to this year’s youth event will get to engage in panel and group discussions, educational lectures, and informative parallel sessions about hot topics in the organic field.
Below a few highlights from OEYE 2024’s programme.
- Who is who in sustainable food systems? Agroecology, organic, biodynamic, and regenerative. Together for sustainable farming;
- Growing green: Insights from organic entrepreneurs;
Learning lectures (choose two):
- Unlocking opportunities: Youth and access to land;
- Sustaining communities: Biodistricts’ potential feeding rural vitality;
- Gender in agriculture: Empowering women, nurturing food system changes;
- Growing forward: Farming in the digital age.
Parallel sessions (choose two):
- Organic content creators: Practical ways to make organic attractive with an organic content creator;
- Open innovation: How it can support young people in innovating their organic businesses at both process and product levels;
- Leadership workshop: Creating a young organic leader’s network;
- Fostering local food democracy: Exponents of the Italian Local Food Policies Network;
- Living Labs: Enabling ecosystems and strong support for innovation in both rural and urban areas;
- How can young people play a role in sustainable public procurement?
- Inclusivity: On immigration and wage slavery.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Bari and meeting the next generation of organic leaders! All information about the event is available on the Organics Europe Youth Event 2024 page.

The work of IFOAM Organics Europe on this topic is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, under the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This page only reflects the views of the authors and its sole responsibility lies with IFOAM Organics Europe. The CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.