Get inspired by excellent examples carrying out organic’s values
In recent years, the European Union has developed a long-term strategy to become climate neutral: the EU Green Deal. Among its goals is a sustainable food system and increased protection of our environment and biodiversity. To realise this, it published two important strategies for food and farming: the Farm to Fork Strategy and the EU Biodiversity Strategy. The Farm to Fork Strategy set a target of “at least 25% of the EU’s agricultural land under organic farming and a significant increase in organic aquaculture by 2030”. The EU Biodiversity Strategy aims to put Europe’s biodiversity on a path to recovery by 2030. Both strategies mention organic as a tool to reach their targets.
As European organic movement, we have been tirelessly advocating to ensure organic has (its rightful) prominent place in these green goals and we are very happy that we succeeded. Our members and many other actors along the food chaincontribute to achieving the targets of these strategies in their day-to-day work. Every day we witness organic practitioners and the strong principles they have at heart: health, ecology, fairness, and care.
As a food and farming system that looks at a systemic approach to food and farming, organic practitioners have always been at the forefront of innovation – innovation that looks beyond technologies and focuses on improving social, environmental and governance aspects. A big part of this success comes from being a united movement that shares knowledge, innovations, and best practices.
Showcasing & sharing best practices
Awarding organic excellence: EU Organic Awards
EU Organic Day, or 23 September, marks the annual European Organic Awards ceremony. These awards are dedicated to rewarding European actors who greatly contribute to enhancing, developing, and stimulating the organic value chain.
Aimed to reward European organic excellence along the entire supply chain, the EU organic awards scheme consists of 7 categories and 8 awards:
- Best organic farmer (female and male);
- Best organic city;
- Best organic region;
- Best organic bio-district;
- Best organic food processing SME;
- Best organic food retailer;
- Best organic restaurant / food service.
Every year, applications open from mid-March until mid-May. This year’s applications are open as you read this, more about that in our article. From May until July, a jury of representatives from the EU institutions and organic supply chain analyses more than 100 applications from across the EU. Out of these applications, three nominees in each category are presented. The winners are announced during a public awards ceremony and celebration on 23 September.
Apply now for the 3rd edition of the EU Organic Awards. You can do so until 12 May 2024.
Giving visibility to initiatives transforming food & farming
Whether you are active in organic or not, if you are transforming food and farming and have an inspiring initiative, you can submit it to We host this platform as a place to give visibility to inspiring initiatives. We select the best initiatives and help them reach more visibility on our social media and in our newsletter.
Whether you want to get inspired or have an inspirational initiative, visit Of course, you are welcome to share this with any good examples you know!
For practitioners who want to farm more sustainably: Organic Farm Knowledge
Organic Farm Knowledge is a platform for all types of practitioners in organic. Whether you produce crops, have farm animals, are interested to improve your farm management, soil quality or the overall environment and society, will provide you with useful resources.
The toolbox offers over 1,000 tools in 16 European languages for farmers and farm advisors. Short, easy to read articles, fact sheets and videos are available. The mobile-friendly toolbox allows for text search and targeted searches by theme, language, organisation, project, keyword, type, country of origin and year.
If want to share your tools or help promote the platform, please contact [email protected], Research & Innovation Associate Manager.
Increasing the movement & sector’s visibility
Spotlighting European organic: EU Organic Day
On 23 September 2021, the EU institutions officially declared 23 September the official EU Organic Day. This is the perfect opportunity to widely celebrate organic and, at EU level, evaluate Europe’s progress towards achieving its goal of 25% organic land by 2030.
This is a day for your organisation to highlight your own work, your staff, clients, partners and/or products. In the past years, I have seen the great examples along the movement and sector who use EU Organic Day to launch new campaigns, partnerships, EU organic action plans, organise major events and/or farmers’ markets and much more! Do you want to know more? Have a look at the 2023 initiatives at
As the European umbrella organisation, we provide our members with visibility, access to information, idea sharing and a communications package ahead of EU Organic Day. Not a member yet? Or interested to become a member? Get in contact at [email protected].
Promoting European products: EU promotion policies
Created in 2014, EU promotion policies help open new market opportunities for EU farmers and the wider food industry. The European Commission has pledged a total of €185.9 million to promote European agri-food products in 2024. Thanks to our advocacy work, there was a large share available for organic products’ promotion: €40+ million.
If you want to promote your organisation’s activities on the EU and international market or raise awareness on the EU organic logo, consider applying for the EU promotion policies – application for 2024 are open until 14 May 2024. Find more information and useful links in our article.
Global social visibility: #IGrowYourFood Day
Since 2019, the online action #IGrowYourFood gives those growing our globe’s food a platform to address citizens, consumers, and policymakers – and connect with other farmers around the world. Organic and agroecological farmers are invited to share videos, articles, or photo stories explaining why they #IGrowYourFood and #LuvOrganic on social media. Policymakers, organisations, advocates and citizens then amplify their messages, re-post their videos, and join the conversation on how organic can be a pathway to true sustainability.
Would you like to raise your voice together with the global organic movement, every year in September? Have a look at or search for #IGrowYourFood on your social media of choice.
This is an adaptation of an article we originally wrote for Bio Eco Actual International Yearbook 2023 – Trends 2024.

The work of IFOAM Organics Europe on this topic is co-financed by the LIFE programme of the European Union, under the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). This page only reflects the views of the authors and its sole responsibility lies with IFOAM Organics Europe. The CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided