The hidden dangers of NGTs in the EU: key takeaways from our 30/11/2023 press conference
These videos were recorded during a press conference held by IFOAM Organics Europe on 30/11/2023, urging Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and Member States to respect the choice of organic farmers. The organic movement is committed to maintaining the ban on NGTs in organic production as outlined in the Commission’s proposal. During our General Assembly in July 2023, IFOAM Organics Europe’s members voted almost unanimously (97.69% of votes in favour, 2,31% against) on a resolution to keep organic production free from GMOs and NGTs. You can read it here.
The videos showcase insights from key figures, including Jan Plagge, President of Bioland and IFOAM Organics Europe; Dr. Angelika Hilbeck, an agroecologist at ETH Zürich; and Bernard Lignon, Project Lead on Regulations and Organic Product Quality at SYNABIO. Each expert articulates their distinct reasons for rejecting the commission’s proposal, representing respectively the perspectives of the EU organic movement, agroecologists, and European organic processors.
Jan Plagge gives the EU organic movement’s perspective
Angelika Hilbeck gives a scientist’s perspective
Bernard Lignon gives the Europen organic operators’ perspective