
New GMOs – Key resources
This article is an overview of useful resources we have compiled for you. We will update this on a rolling…

September 2024 newsletter - embracing productive months ahead
We just published our post-summer newsletter edition. Wondering what’s in it for you? Here are a few highlights you might…

European food industry loud and clear about rigorous labelling of new genomic techniques (NGTs)
376 food businesses from 16 Member States, signed Food Industry for Freedom of Choice, a letter calling for rigorous labelling…

Explainer video: Developing and applying detection methods for plants created with ‘new genomic techniques’ (new GMOs)
The technical research project DARWIN will develop, test, and validate no less than 9 new detection methods and new digital…

The European food industry speaks out loud and clear for rigorous labelling of NGTs
In the framework of a joint action of organic and conventional companies, 376 businesses from the food industry from 16 Member…

More than 200 food companies call for strict legislation on new GMOs - Sign and share our joint European letter
More than 200 organic and conventional companies from 12 European countries are already calling for strict legislation on new GMOs…

Read our June newsletter! Here's what you can expect.
We just published our latest newsletter, the last one before the European elections and the summer break. Wondering what’s in…

New genomic techniques, what comes up?
Despite significant political pressure to reach an agreement among the EU institutions before the European elections in June 2024, the…

Researching detection methods & digital solutions for products derived from new genomic techniques
From January 2024 to June 2027, IFOAM Organics Europe is part of a technical research project called DARWIN. It aims…

DARWIN: Transition to safe & sustainable food systems through new & innovative detection methods & digital solutions for plant-based products derived from new genomic techniques, under a co-creation approach
1 January 2024 to 30 June 2027 This project title is quite a mouthful, so let’s break it down. The…

New faces and new projects in the Research & Innovation Unit
A new year means new research and innovation (R&I) projects! Several new Horizon Europe projects in which IFOAM Organics Europe…

NGT vote a step backward for biosafety that nonetheless safeguards the possibility for traceability and national "coexistence" measures
BRUSSELS, 07 FEBRUARY 2024 – Today the European Parliament voted on the legislative proposal on so-called “New Genomic Techniques” (NGTs).…

February 2024 Newsletter - Multilingual Edition
Read this Special Newsletter in BG, CZ, DA , DE, ES, EN, FR, HU, IT, LT, NL, PL, PT, RO, UA Dear reader,Welcome to 2024! As we usher in the new year and an EU…

IFOAM Organics Europe calls on MEPs to postpone plenary vote on NGTs as ENVI Committee vote leaves many issues unsolved
BRUSSELS, 24 JANUARY 2024 – Today, the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI Committee) voted on the…

Myth busting: NGTs and organic
With an eye on this year’s elections, the EU institutions have geared up work on many important dossiers and advancing…

Political Hotspot December 2023
With an eye on next year’s elections, the EU institutions have geared up work on many important dossiers. But rushing…

The hidden dangers of NGTs in the EU: key takeaways from our 30/11/2023 press conference
These videos were recorded during a press conference held by IFOAM Organics Europe on 30/11/2023, urging Members of the European…

Can we (gene) edit our way to sustainable agriculture?
We argue “No”. NGTs, so called New Genomic Techniques, are touted as making agriculture more sustainable by tweaking individual traits…

Policymakers should respect organic movement's choice not to use NGTs
BRUSSELS, 30 NOVEMBER 2023 – Speaking at an online press conference this morning, Jan Plagge, President of IFOAM Organics Europe,…

European Parliament should uphold ban for all NGTs in organic in rapporteur's report
BRUSSELS, 19 OCTOBER 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe, the voice for organic food and farming in Europe, is strongly against…

Policy process of new EU legislation on “New Genomic Techniques” in full motion – Organic movement needs to be on high alert
After the publication of the legislative proposal on so-called “New Genomic Techniques”, the policy process in the European Union institutions…

Celebrating life – a few highlights from th September 2023 Newsletter!
Recently we issued the last edition of our newsletter. Wondering why it’s interesting for you? We have prepared a quick…

Six-fold increase in organic seeds needed in the next ten years in Europe – 2nd European Organic Seed Policy Conference shows pathways to make organic seeds a reality
The Spanish Presidency of the European Union put a spotlight on rural areas and agricultural resilience during a High-level Rural…

GMO-free Europe conference - 7 September 2023
On 7 September, the 10th GMO free Europe conference gathered policymakers, scientists, farmers, and representatives of the organic and the…

Organic sector calls on agriculture ministers to prioritise agroecological innovation over techno-fixes
BRUSSELS, 1 SEPTEMBER 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe urges Agriculture Ministers to uphold a systemic approach of innovation and sustainability…

What are new GMOs and what’s at risk? Watch our new video
In July 2023, the European Commissions published its legislative proposal on “New Genomic Techniques”. We have the pleasure to announce…

NGT proposal a step backward for biosafety, freedom of choice and consumers' information
BRUSSELS, 5 JULY 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe considers the Commission’s proposal to deregulate “New Genomic Techniques” (NGTs) as misguided,…

European organic movement resolution: No hidden GMOs, system-based approach to innovation
BRUSSELS, 22 JUNE 2023 – In a resolution adopted yesterday at its General Assembly, the European organic movement re-affirms that…

Jan Plagge re-elected President of IFOAM Organics Europe
BRUSSELS, 21 JUNE 2023 – At today’s General Assembly, IFOAM Organics Europe’s membership elected a new Board and Jan Plagge…

300+ organizations unite to send strong signal to Frans Timmermans, demanding a shift to evidence-based sustainability food systems rather than unfounded hope on new GMOs
More than 300 organizations signed a letter sent to Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal in the…

Political Hotspot May 2023
The proposal for an EU nature restoration law is facing major opposition, recently leading to the rejection of the whole…

EU environmental ministers give clear signal to Commission to maintain precautionary principle & risk assessment for NGTs
On 16 March, the Council meeting of environmental ministers sent a decisive message to the European Commission as a large…

We want to be able to choose! Ensure GMO-free food production.
Update 23.03.2023: Junges Bioland initiated an online petition on this topic, addressed to Olaf Scholz, Germany’s Prime Minister, and to…

February 2023 Newsletter - Multilingual Edition
Read this Special Newsletter edition in CZ, DE, ES, FR, HU, IT, LT, NL, PL, PT, RO Welcome note Dear reader, Welcome to a very special edition of our newsletter. At…

European Court of Justice decision on ‘in vitro’ mutagenesis strengthens 2018 ruling subjecting gene editing to EU GMO Directive
The recent ruling by the European Court of Justice, published on 7 February, closes a 2015 case brought forward by…

Successful GMO petition handover to the Commission
On February 7, environmental, agricultural, and consumer rights organizations gathered in front of the European Parliament in Brussels to officially…

New year, old narratives – Why genetic engineering is (still) not the solution to food security
The European Commission kicked off 2023 by publishing a report on the drivers of food security, recognising the value of…

GMOs – An easy breakdown on common myths
Global grassroots organization Slow Food International has recently published a short myth-busting article with the most common, but wrong and…

November newsletter: SUR, GMO-free event, and more!
Two weeks ago, we published our November newsletter and it’s rich in updates and information on the hottest organic topics!…

Welcome note November 2022
Dear reader, I am happy to welcome you to this year’s last edition of our newsletter. I am proud to…

GMO-free Europe Event held at the European Parliament to take a stand discuss the European Commission's new NGT legislative proposal
The European Commission announced a new legislative proposal for so-called ‘Novel Genomic Techniques’ in the second quarter of 2023. This…

The scientists behind the GMO deregulation lobby – A story of vested interests
Many scientists currently active in agricultural biotechnology who lobby for deregulating so-called ‘new genomic techniques’ (NGTs) in the European Union…

Add your signature – Support these EU-wide petitions to stop attempts to deregulate new GMOs
The European Commission is working on a new legislative proposal for ‘New Genomic Techniques’ (NGTs). We expect this to be…

Save the Date: GMO-Free Europe Event 2022 - 17 November
We invite you to join us for a GMO-free Europe event at the European Parliament to discuss the European Commission’s…

Worrying step to deregulating GMOs: EU Agriculture Commissioner says “no controversy about direction” among EU Agricultural Ministers
The recent Informal meeting of the EU Ministers of Agriculture set a worrying tone for the political agenda regarding Genetically…

June newsletter: measuring pesticides, new GMOs, and more!
We just published our June newsletter and it’s rich in updates and information on the hottest organic topics! Not sure…

Public consultation on new genomic techniques still ongoing + Member briefing
The 12-weeks consultation period of the European Commission in the context of the Impact Assessment for new legislation for ‘New…

Commission opens public consultation on new legislation for new genetic engineering techniques
The EU Commission launched a 12-weeks consultation period in the context of the Impact Assessment for new legislation for ‘New…

No risk assessment and labelling for eggs and hens of genetically modified origin?
Following an EU Commission statement, it can be concluded that eggs and laying hens that originate from genetically engineered hens…

New GMOs: What’s next for Europe & state-of-play legislative process
As covered in previous editions of our newsletter, the European Commission has been moving forward with plans to create a…