
Organic regulations
Sponsor our sector project: Assessing the EU Organic Regulation’s fairness
We are assessing whether the current EU Organic Regulation is fair towards operators and if it adequately supports the sector…

September 2024 newsletter - embracing productive months ahead
We just published our post-summer newsletter edition. Wondering what’s in it for you? Here are a few highlights you might…

Organic regulations
Regulation updates: De-alcoholised wine, use organic logo, certificates, compliance & aquaculture
Following the summer break, there are a number of updates on the EU Organic Regulation. From new legal initiatives to…

Building the future of EU agrifood – Encouraging high-level statements at congress’ first day
BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, 10 SEPTEMBER 2024 – Following the Strategic Dialogue for the future of EU agriculture’s recommendations, many agrifood stakeholders,…

European food industry loud and clear about rigorous labelling of new genomic techniques (NGTs)
376 food businesses from 16 Member States, signed Food Industry for Freedom of Choice, a letter calling for rigorous labelling…

Food policy
Does organic still have a ring-fenced budget in the EU promotion policy?
The short answer: yes, even though it has been reduced, for SIMPLE projects. No MULTI projects will be funded in…

Organic regulations
New project will benefit organic operators & contribute to fairer EU Organic Regulation
In June 2024, we kicked off an exciting two-year project that will produce important information for most organic operators! Our…

EU Organic Regulation updates: FAQ on organic rules & second list of compliant control bodies
The Commission has updated its Frequently asked questions on organic rules with new topics. It now also clarifies questions on:…

Challenges and opportunities facing organic & how policies can be part of the solution
Ahead of the EU elections, our Director, Eduardo Cuoco was interviewed about the current challenges organic faces. In two pieces…

Working together to enable farmers as agile entrepreneurs – European Biostimulants’ summit
IFOAM Organics Europe’s Director Eduardo Cuoco spoke at a session Supporting farmers in times of turbulence at the European Biostimulants…

Organic regulations
Pesticide residue management in organic products
Our food supply includes conventional agricultural systems using synthetic pesticides and other agrochemical products. As our agricultural systems are open…

CDG meeting on organic farming: Agroforestry, plant protection & compliance
Organic stakeholders exchanged with the Commission on synergies between agroforestry and organic, plant protection products and the regulatory switch from…

Organic regulations
First list of control bodies recognised for compliance published
The first list of control bodies (CBs) recognised for compliance regarding imports from third countries was published in the EU’s…

Positive steps for EU’s resilience in Council decisions on nature restoration, soil monitoring law & green claims
On 17 June, European legislation on soil, nature, and environmental labelling took a few steps forward as the Council of…

Read our June newsletter! Here's what you can expect.
We just published our latest newsletter, the last one before the European elections and the summer break. Wondering what’s in…

Political Hotspot June 2024
Ongoing farmers’ protests highlight the need to address concerns about unfair pricing and competition in European agriculture. The objectives laid…

NGOs call for climate action & fair agrifood systems – 31 May; 1 June & throughout October
On 31 May, the NGOs who are part of the Good Food Good Farming coalition gathered in Brussels for its…

Organic regulations
Civil dialogue group about plant protection products & imports
On 24 May, the European Commission held a Civil Dialogue Group (CDG) on organic farming. While the many stakeholder present…

Food policy
Civil Dialogue Groups (CDG) meetings: Report on wine, 14 May
IFOAM Organics Europe’s office staff, our members and experts regularly advise and discuss policy options with the Commission and other…

Organic movement meets Commission President Ursula von der Leyen
On 26 April, IFOAM Organics Europe met with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for a discussion on the…

New members-only sessions: (mis)use of regenerative & positioning organic to various political audiences
We are thrilled to announce new sessions in our member-exclusive webinar series ‘Let’s Discuss Organic’. On 26 April we will…

Food policy
How school canteens can support a healthy, just, and sustainable European food system
On 12 March, three inspiring speakers showed how school canteens can change and integrate sustainability criteria –in urban, rural and…

Food policy
Only two more months to apply for EU funds to promote organic food & farming
Are you a trade or inter-trade organisation in an EU country? Are you working with or promoting organic products? You…

Proposal integrated Plant Reproductive Material Regulation improves after Parliament’s inputs
The EU is revising legislation on plant reproductive material, such as seeds, cuttings, trees, roots, tubers, and clones. Currently, rules…

Organic regulations
Insights in international trade for EU and third country operators
On Monday 11 March, the European Organic Certifiers Council (EOCC) and IFOAM Organics Europe united experts providing insights into two…

Parliament’s vote on Green Claims Directive: IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes efforts to curb greenwashing and the acknowledgement of specific environmental assessment needs for agri-food
BRUSSELS, 12 MARCH 2024 – IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes today’s plenary vote on the directive on green claims. This directive…

Green claims: organic movement applauds renewed recognition of PEF's shortcomings for agrifood
BRUSSELS, 14 FEBRUARY 2024 – IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes today’s vote on green claims as it underscores the limitations of…

Organic regulations
Statement of support for Spanish organic producers in their denunciation of a French politician's statement seeking to pit organic farmers from different countries against one another
IFOAM Organics Europe fully supports Spanish organic producers in their denounciation of a French politician’s statement seeking to pit organic…

February 2024 Newsletter - Multilingual Edition
Read this Special Newsletter in BG, CZ, DA , DE, ES, EN, FR, HU, IT, LT, NL, PL, PT, RO, UA Dear reader,Welcome to 2024! As we usher in the new year and an EU…

Green Claims: Organics Europe highlights Product Environmental Footprint method's shortcomings for agri-food
BRUSSELS, 23 JANUARY 2024 – As compromise amendment negotiations on the Green Claims Directive proposal are taking place within the…

Organic regulations
Continuation organic equivalency confirmed by UK and the EU & new regulations interpretation published
The UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement that entered into force on 1 May 2021 contains provisions on the necessary reassessment…

We can't eat promises! Good Food Good Farming protest
On 8th November, our staff members took part to Good Food Good Farming’s protest in front of the EU Parliament.…

Food policy
Commission President, ensure a framework for Sustainable Food Systems
The current EU Commission promised to transition to more sustainable, healthier, and affordable diets. This is both their commitment to…

Food policy
Advocating for transformative minimum standards in public canteens
On 10 October, representatives of local and national governments attended ‘Promoting Social Innovation through public canteens’ where a class from…

Political hotspot
The EU’s State of the Union (SOTEU), a moment during which the Commission President reflects upon past achievements and lays…

Organic regulations
Regulatory update after Summer
During the past months, the Commission published updates related to the EU Organic Regulation. In this article, we summarise them.…

Promoting social innovation through public canteens! Join us at the EU Week of Regions and Cities
On 10 October, we are organising a high-level workshop Promoting Social Innovation through public canteens to advocate for the implementation…

IFOAM Organics Europe partners with NATEXPO for a fairer and more transparent EU food system
IFOAM Organics Europe is glad to represent the European perspective at NATEXPO for another year. NATEXPO is the leading international…

A recap of the Organic Food Conference by BEING Organic in EU
IFOAM Organics Europe was happy to continue promoting the BEING ORGANIC in EU project objectives through the organisation of the…

Exploring the future of organic agriculture: Highlights from day 1 of the Organic Food Conference
The Organic Food Conference took place on 22-23 May at Aboca’s premises in Sansepolcro, Tuscany (IT), and its first day…

Food policy
Launch of the FPC report on the Sustainable Food Systems Law: Policy recommendations for a meaningful transition
On 25 April, the Food Policy Coalition (FPC) held its first in person-meeting in Brussels to launch its report “Sustainable…

Organic regulations
New position paper on the management of pesticide residues in organic products
We are glad to announce that IFOAM Organics Europe releases today a new position paper on the Management of Pesticide…

Food policy
Sustainable Public Procurement: strategic lever towards a more sustainable food system - new infographics
Sustainable public procurement has countless benefits that make it a strategic lever to trigger a change in the food system.…

Attend the Organic Food Conference in Tuscany, Italy
Would you like to enjoy great Italian organic food while discussing organic? Don’t miss out on our Organic Food Conference Events,…

Sustainable school meals as catalysts for food system change
On 22-23 March, during the conference titled ‘Small Farm to Fork Procurement’ and held at the ICLEI Brussels office, IFOAM…

Green claims: The fight against greenwashing must be based on methodologies promoting the transition towards more sustainable food systems
BRUSSELS, 22 MARCH 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes the publication of the Substantiating Green Claims initiative by the Commission,…

EU organic movement warns against greenwashing
BRUSSELS, 13 FEBRUARY 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe warns against the misuse of claims, labels, or communication initiatives about food…

Food policy
Large share of EU funds available to promote sustainable agriculture in 2023
On 16 December 2022, the European Commission has adopted the 2023 Annual Work Programme on the promotion of agricultural products.…

Green claims: better methodologies to assess environmental performance of food & textiles products
BRUSSELS, 29 NOVEMBER 2022 – IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes news about the Commission’s decision to postpone the publication of the…

Sustainability labels, ”sustainable or not? That’s the question!”
In the current food environment, labels are crucial to provide consumers with information to help them make the sustainable choice.…